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Jinyoung was hiding somewhere near a cafe looking for his precious baby.

And yes! There he is. The most beautiful man who ever existed.

Kim Yugyeom.

Jinyoung took a picture of him going inside the cafe and he hid his camera and followed Yugyeom.

Jinyoung chose the seat beside Yugyeom's seat.

Yugyeom placed his bag on the table and went to order. Jinyoung had a plan.

Jinyoung offered his table at the lady that can't find a seat and went to the counter to order a coffee.

Yugyeom was done ordering. He ordered a cup of coffee and a donut.

Jinyoung was also done ordering his black coffee.

Yugyeom went to his table and sat.

Jinyoung went to the table of Yugyeom.

"Uhm excuse me..can i sit here?" Jinyoung asked nicely holding his cup of coffee.

"Yeah sure! You can!" Yugyeom smiled at him politely.

'He is so cute, I feel like i wanna take him right now.' Jinyoung thought.

"Thank you!" Jinyoung said sitting down at the seat infront of Yugyeom.

"So how is life?" Yugyeom asked smiling at him.

Jinyoung smiled like he was the happiest man in the world.

"Good. You?"

"Not so good.."

Jinyoung's smile faded.

'Who the FUCK would hurt my baby?!'

Jinyoung snapped out of his thoughts.

"What? Why?" He asked sipping his cup of coffee.

"M-my boyfriend broke up with me in text." Yugyeom broke, crying.

Jinyoung's heart shattered.

'Don't worry my love i will make you happy..and make you mine.'

"Oh thats okay, you could meet other wonderful boys out their. Don't worry you're beautiful and polite!" Jinyoung said comforting Yugyeom.

Yugyeom blushed by Jinyoung's compliment.

"Thank you..do you wanna be friends?" Yugyeom asked Jinyoung and Jinyoung nodded repeatedly.

Yugyeom smiled made Jinyoung heart melt.

"okay! let's exchange numbers!" Yugyeom said happily.

"Okay!" Jinyoung handed out his phone while Yugyeom handed his.


Done! They exchanged numbers.

"Okay! Wait..what's your name? I haven't asked yet." Yugyeom asked with his cute eyes.

Jinyoung smiled.

"Park Jinyoung."

"Kim Yugyeom! It was nice talking to you I have to go bye!" Yugyeom left the cafe.

"Oh sweetie, I already know everything about you." Jinyoung whispered and smiled.

obsession; jingyeom (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now