Chapter $ 31

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Two weeks.

It had been two weeks since you left Hoseok on the sidewalk outside of the party. He didn't chase after you, and you hadn't expected him to, but he also hadn't done so much as call or text you either. Given his persistence to get you to agree to be his Sub those months ago, you thought he would at least contact you in some way to ask for an explanation or offer admonishment for your behavior, but he hadn't.

You knew he wouldn't. You knew why.

You had broken the rule, the one you had agreed to that wasn't in the contract.

You had fallen for him.

And his lack of communication told you all you needed to know about his feelings, that he hadn't fallen for you in return. That he valued you as a Sub, but not as a person, a woman, a lover, or a partner. A stark reminder came in the form a text message from your bank, that a larger-than-usual payment had been deposited into your account.

Your severance pay.

It was enough to live on within your moderate means for quite a while, which was convenient given that you would once again need to seek employment. Huffing out a breath of annoyance, you brushed away the tear that had fallen to your cheek pushed your covers off to start another day.

You decided to start ridding yourself of the reminder that you had lost Hoseok. You already had your necklace in the drawer of your nightstand, and you hung up any of the clothing you had used in the very back of your closet, not yet ready to throw them away like you knew you should. The remaining clothes, however, still had their tags complete, and you pulled them out and laid them neatly on your bed to separate them into the stores they had come from. You didn't have any receipts, so you didn't hold high hopes of returning them and receiving refund money, but you thought you would at least try. If it didn't work, you planned to find somewhere and donate it all away.

Whatever it took not to feel your heart lance with pain every time you looked at them.

Grabbing an envelope, you took his namesake necklace and dropped it into the thick pouch of paper, along with a small bracelet he had given you after a particularly rough session. You addressed it to his home, adding multiple postage stamps and dropping in into the outgoing mail slot at your apartment complex hub before loading your car with expensive attire.

The mall was loud and obnoxious, and you felt self-conscious as you walked through with your tote bags stuffed full of clothing. You trudged to each location you had visited with Hoseok, the memories bittersweet and painful, and tried to return as much of the clothing as you could. You succeeded at only two places, but got a decent handful of cash back from both of them. You thought you had wanted to keep it, but ultimately decided you would send it back to Hoseok somehow. He didn't need the money, obviously, but it was a matter of principle and a means of closure.

Stuffing the money into a private section of your purse, you decided to drown yourself in comfort food and headed to the main food court of the mall. You stood at the outer edges, looking at the offerings available and deciding which would best soothe an aching heart, when a velvet voice called your name.

You turned in the direction of the call, surprised to see Jimin walking toward you smiling as he waved. He wore a large knit sweater, the fluffy turtleneck accenting his handsome jawline, and tight, light-blue jeans that showed off his defined, toned legs. His smile grew even wider as he stepped in front of you, his eyes disappearing into his cheeks for a brief moment.

"Y/N," he chuckled the end of your name, "I never thought I'd see you."

"Hi, Jimin," you smiled back warmly, "How are you?"

"Same as always," he shrugged, making the thick collar of his sweater cover his chin for a second. He looked at you with soft concern, "How are you doing?"

You knew what he meant. He must have heard that you and Hoseok had split, or seen evidence of it at a gathering or run in with him. You didn't really know what to say. Were you okay? You couldn't say yes to that. Were you getting by? Sure. Ultimately, you just sighed deeply, blowing your hair out of your face and looking away on the pretense of finding somewhere to eat. You gazed blindly at the signs, until you felt a soft hand take yours and start to pull you in the opposite direction of the food court.

"What are you- "

"Let's eat somewhere else," he suggested with a smile, turning to take your bags from you other hand while still holding the one he had, "My treat."

You didn't have the will or energy to protest, the warmth of his hand comforting you in a way that you couldn't describe. You let yourself be led out of the mall and down the busy street to a small restaurant just a little ways away. Jimin didn't talk to you, or ask you any questions, simply held your hand as the two of you walked into the chic eatery and took a table near the window. Once the waitress had poured waters and handed you menus, Jimin looked at you.

"What happened?" was all he asked, his face genuine and a little worried.

"I caught feelings."

The statement was simple, and didn't need much detail for Jimin to understand. He knew Hobi's unwritten rule, and he knew he had had a part in why it existed. What he couldn't understand was why Hoseok would apply it to you. You were beautiful, smart, obedient, bratty, and simply all-around perfect.

"He's an idiot," Jimin voiced his opinion out loud, making you laugh. "I'm serious, what a complete idiot."

"Well I'm an idiot, too," you chuckled bitterly, "Because I miss his stupid ass."

"Maybe you should find a way to forget about him."

"Easier said than done."

"Not really. You just have to find the right distraction."

You looked up into his eyes as they sparkled with mischief, "Are you making a play?" you asked jokingly.

His demeanor didn't change, but his voice was serious, "Yes."

You chuckled again, "I don't know. Maybe this whole life isn't for me. I should find a job and just get on with life how it used to be."

"Is that what you really want?"

You thought about it. Not just the looking for work and doing things for yourself...that part was fine and you knew that you would get yourself by just as you always had. You thought about working...maybe going back to school...maybe dating a nice, normal guy like Jonghyun. It was all very romantic and saccharine, the kind of dream schoolgirls made up when they played house with their dolls. It was normal. It was typical. It was comfortable and expected.

It was boring.

A man like Jonghyun could love you, cherish you, care for you, but he could never set a fire in you. Not after the kind of sweet surrender you experienced at the hands of someone like Hoseok.

"No," you finally answered, "I don't want that again." You took a sip of your water, "But I also don't want to go through life as a toy and not a partner."

"Try me out," he suggested plainly. Earning a shocked look from you, he laughed, "You don't have to answer right now. Let's eat and talk about...I don't know...anything else. But, think about it." You nodded your head, making him smile as he picked up the menu and gestured for you to do the same, "Good. I'm starving."

The rest of lunch went by quickly, Jimin being an excellent conversation partner as well as quite charming and handsome. He stuck to his word, not bringing the subject up again, even as he walked you to your car and helped you put your bag in the back seat. You exchanged phone numbers and he kissed you sweetly on your cheek, winking as he pulled back and said his goodbyes.

You thought about everything he suggested as you drive back to your apartment. Maybe a distraction is just what you needed, after all.

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