Jalec - The Demon Realms

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For smiley_morgan8

She requested this story, and I came up with the plot, and am using my plot with her requests for what needs to be in it.

This story takes place in Alec's mind in the demon realm, when they were having the warped visions of what the want. Book reference: City of Heavenly Fire

Anyhoo, along with the story.

Alec's POV

Jace: I've always liked you. Just thought you should know.

I kinda just stood there in shock, not really knowing what to say.

Jace: Should we... take this discussion somewhere else?

I nodded, and followed Jace to his room.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?

Jace: Didn't want things to get awkward.

Me: So you decided that we should be parabatai instead? Didn't you think that would make it worse?

Jace thought about it do a second.

Jace: Yeah, I guess so. But if you think about it, wouldn't our bond make the sex better?

Ok, so sex was now in the picture. I chewed on my lip. Jace's eyes watched mine for a reaction.

Me: I guess you're right. So what now?

Jace walked closer to me, backing me into the wall next to his door. I gulped.

Jace: I was thinking something along the lines of this.

He said this just before pinning me to the wall and roughly pressing his lips to mine. I automatically moan, having waited forever for this moment. He bites my lower lip and sucks it into his mouth, getting another moan out of me. I can feel the bond that we have in battle respond to the adrenaline pulsing through both of our veins. Our pleasure in this situation is shared between both of us, making it twice as amazing.

Jace reapplies his strength and speed runes and throws me quickly onto the bed. (Nigga just got YEETED!) He quickly follows suit, stripping his clothes as he does. I'm about to begin taking off my own, but Jace beats me to it, literally ripping them off of my body. I moan deep in my chest, almost a low growl, because of how hot Jace is. He pins my head above my head once there are no more layers of clothing between us. He reaches down to his gear and pulls out his rope. I look at him wildly.

Jace: Hands out.

I immediately comply. He ties my wrists together, then ties them to the bedpost behind me. Then he looks me in the eye.

Jace: What do you want, Alec?

Me: *moans a little*

Jace: Words, Alec, you need to use your words.

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