Broken Promises (Geralt x Princess!Reader)

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Um hi yes how the hell is this story at almost three thousand reads it's barely been five days lmao thank you

*Tumblr request: Can you do a Witcher x reader one shot about and the reader is like a princess and her father has enlisted his help??? Like an affair au where they have to sneak around and stuff!!!

I made up the kingdom this takes place in, and also couldn't think of a monster to use so it's up to your imaginations lmao

And...this isn't exactly where I saw this one going...but it did so...yeah....

warnings: insinuated smut, language, major character death, also this is super long #notsorry


"Geralt of Rivia?"

The Witcher looked up from his plate to see a small mousy-looking man holding a scroll standing before him.

Upon receiving a grunt of affirmation, the small man continued. "The King of Remalia himself requests your presence immediately."

Geralt set down his bread roll, leaning back in his seat. "Why?"

"All I'm permitted to say to is that he has a job for you and that I am not to take no for an answer. I am also to assure you that you will be paid handsomely."


"Most handsomely."


You stood behind your father, nervously chewing your bottom lip. He'd decided to call in a witcher to help with the monster issue your people have found themselves troubled with. It's been a long few weeks waiting for one to be close enough to Remalia to send out the royal messenger. And who better than the Butcher of Blaviken to handle the problem?

"They're late," your father grumbled, shifting his weight in his throne.

"Maybe Fergeson couldn't find him," you suggest, fiddling with your mother's locket around your neck.

"Fergeson knows that if he returns without the Witcher he won't have a job," your father growled.

Just then, the doors to the throne room were thrown open, and Fergeson scurried in, a tall, handsome, silver-haired man gliding in behind him.

"Your Royal Highnesses, I present Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher."

Your father waved the messenger off. "That will be all, Fergeson."

The mousy messenger bowed before scurrying out.

"I've heard much about you, Geralt of Rivia," Your father greeted, standing from his throne. "I have a job for you."

"So I hear," the Witcher said, his deep voice sending a tingle down your spine.

You felt your heartbeat speed up a bit as the handsome monster hunter stepped closer your father, who was a couple feet in front of you. Your felt your cheeks flush as the Witcher's sharp amber eyes met yours.

"Ten thousand orens if you can find and kill the monster terrorizing my people."

The Witcher nodded. "You have a deal."


The Witcher was given a room in the castle to sleep in while he figured out what monster was terrorizing your people and how to kill it. Your father had given him a month to figure it out, and he was a week in. You ran into him often in the halls at night, when he was getting back to bed after hunting down information on the monster.

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