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DISCLAIMER: Some of the monsters, abilities, and characters are made by my imagination, there are things that are in my book but aren't in Greek Mythology in general, those things are made up by my imagination to match the plot in mind.

[quick history]

BEFORE everything began, the Universe created the Titans or also called the Elder Gods. Before everything else has been formed, there was Heaven and Earth, and the Titans were their children, and the children of the Titans are the gods we know now.

THE Titans ruled the Universe, and Cronus was the ruler of the Titans. Until one time, Cronus was overthrown by his son, Zeus with the help of his siblings, Poseidon and Hades.

UNTIL then, Zeus became the supreme ruler of all gods, he became the Lord of the Sky. The Seas fell to Poseidon's care, and Hades became the ruler of the dead.

AFTER the success of overthrowing the Titans (they didn't die or disappear, they took a lower rank), the gods took over Olympus and Earth.

THE twelve great OLYMPIANS were Zeus: God of the Heavens, Poseidon: God of the Sea, Hades: God of the Underworld, Hestia: Goddess of the Hearth, Hera: Goddess of Marriage and Birth, Ares: God of War, Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Apollo: God of the Sun, Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty, Hermes: God of the Roadways, Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt, and lastly, Hephaestus: God of Fire.

WITH the prayers of mankind, the gods grew stronger and stronger and maintained their immortality, which made them live for a very very long time.

LIKE humans, if gods mate, they will have children. When two gods mate, the result would also be a god. But when a god mates with humans, the end result would be a demigod or half-god, half-human offspring. And when demigods mate with humans, it would create a legacy, 25% god and 75% human offspring.

THE human children and grandchildren of the gods inherited some of their deity's abilities and skills, making them stronger and more good-looking than an ordinary human being.

AS time passes, gods have multiplied, and the number of demigods and legacies has increased greatly.

UNTIL now, gods, demigods, legacies, and other mythical beings, are existing, and they're all over the world. On forests, provinces, oceans, and even in the cities. As much as we disregard this matter, these godly beings blend with us like normal human beings.

TODAY, in our timeline, almost everything is possible.

YOU could be one of them, you just don't know it yet... *winks*


Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Language used: English and Tagalog/Filipino (Taglish)

Date started: July 31, 2022
Date Ended:—

Author's Note: (You may skip this part, enjoy!)

Hello! I'm back with another fantasy story! I've been wanting to publish a greek mythology-related book and I hope you'll support this just like how you supported my first fantasy story! If you guys didn't know, I already have a completed story and it's called "Lemuria Academy: The Lost Princess of Infinia", since I just started this book, you might want to check it out first if you get bored waiting for updates. If this book piqued your interest, feel free to continue! Anyways, God bless and enjoyyy!

-Ms. A

PS: If you want a mythology related book, this may be what you're looking for, but just note that not everything written in this book is according to Greek Mythology. If you want to know more about greek mythology, I strongly suggest books by Edith Hamilton, Rick Riordan and Mahriyumm, their works are gold! XOXO

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