1: Carnival

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The Rio Carnival, with all it's celebration, dancing, and display, was one of the most beautiful things in the world. That was Gabi's opinion, anyway. Bright lights and exotic colours lined the streets, which were always teeming with thousands of people. And the palace security was tripled this year. Not to prevent intruders from entering, but to stop Gabi from getting out.

Carnival, it seemed, was no place for the Brazilian Crown Princess.

It had been quite some years since the twenty two year old had decided that, instead of gazing out her window wondering when her life would begin, she'd jump right on out and get it started. Needless to say, the king and queen were none too pleased with her decision making skills. They allowed her for most of the year, but Carnival was strictly forbidden. It was well known how many gangs ran the streets of Rio, a problem the Brazilian girl had longed to rectify for many years, and Carnival was the perfect place for them to blend in with the crowds, and strike when it was least expected.

"This is so dumb," Gabi sighed, staring down to the roads below. The dark eyed, silver haired twenty two year old was pining, and had been doing so for the better part of the afternoon. There was currently a dancing procession in progress out there, a lovely traditional green, yellow and blue affair that warmed Gabi to the core. She loved her beautiful country, even through all its failings.

"You know exactly why you can't leave, your highness," Bernardo, one of her bodyguards said. He wasn't her main bodyguard, in fact, as her usual one was apparently busy elsewhere, but Gabi didn't mind Bernardo. In fact, she much preferred him to her usual companion. He was often a calming presence in her life, something she needed more often than not. "I know what you're thinking," he added. "It sucks that you don't have a choice. But you have a responsibility in this world, you know that. One day, you're going to be queen, but until that time comes it's on you to keep yourself safe. You do want to be queen, I know that."

Gabi rolled her eyes at him, not that he could see, as she was still facing out the window.

"I do want to be queen. This country is corrupt right down to it's roots, somebody needs to change that. If my parents won't do it, I sure as hell won't stop til it's clean."

"That's more like it," Bernardo nodded, approvingly. "Keep your vision. Always look to the future."

"All I can look at is the people dancing in the street," said Gabi, and it was Bernardo's turn to sigh.

"Close the window, then, your highness."

"Hell no," Gabi retorted. "If I can't be there in person at least I can see it from afar. I bet my cousin's down there."

"If you will excuse me saying so, your highness, Lord Neymar is a nutcase. I have no doubt he is down there."

"He's a Lord for a reason, and you'd do well to respect that," Gabi retorted, despite knowing it would have no affect whatsoever. Bernardo had known her too well for too long to pay much attention to her demands of respect for the biggest blot on the royal escutcheon. Still, he was Gabrielle's best friend, and as much as Bernardo felt he was a bad influence, Lord Neymar Da Silva Santos Jr wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Bernardo was just glad he was her cousin, and as such could never marry her and end up being king.

"You have the ball this evening, you know," said Bernardo, in an attempt to direct the princess's attention elsewhere. "Did you decide what you're wearing?"

"Yeah," His Royal charge nodded, looking a little brighter. "It's blue, want to see it?"

She stood from her seat at the window, causing the bodyguard to heave a quiet sigh of relief, and headed towards the closet on the opposite side of her spacious bedroom. Bernardo's eyes followed her from where he stood at the door, and Gabi didn't bother to invite him in, knowing he would refuse. It was improper, apparently. The Brazilian found the pale blue gown, and took it out to show him. Dressing up was one of the things Gabi particularly enjoyed about her life as the heir to the throne. Well, she enjoyed putting on fancy clothes. The actual process of getting her hair and makeup done was a nightmare for all concerned, but she suffered through it for the sake of appearances.

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