3. Aries Castle

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Perhaps indirectly, Gabi had been making the dent she wanted to make in Rio's underworld through Kun's rescue missions. The Argentinian had never had to kill until he'd become her bodyguard all those years ago, and since then he'd lost count of the lives he'd taken protecting her. And yet, she still went back for more, and Kun never understood why. She was so important to so many people, yet she was constantly putting her life in danger.

"This is ridiculous, Gabrielle, I've told you so many times but you never listen!"

"I'm fine, dad," Gabi glared at the king, and Kun, if he had any less self control, would have rolled his eyes at the princess.

"Tonight, you were not fine," he stated. "And are you aware of what happened whilst you were out?"

"What?" She demanded, and Kun raised his eyes to the King in alarm. He was unaware of any incident that had taken place.

"Someone broke in to the palace," said the Queen. "Went straight for your quarters. If you'd been in there, you'd be... you'd be dead by now," she said quietly.

"Lucky I wasn't in there then," the princess retorted. "Lucky I was OUT!"

"Do not raise your voice at your mother," Her father stated. "I don't care who you are. We have come to the decision that it isn't safe for you to be around here any longer. You won't look after yourself, and it's too much to ask of our team of guards, as competent as they are."

"What are you going to do?" Gabi asked suspiciously.

"You're going to Aires Castle," her father said, in a tone that left no room for argument.

"So you're just gonna imprison me?" She exclaimed. "Really?"

"That's not exactly how I would have put it, but yes, you will not be allowed to leave until we either deem it safe, or that you have learned to look after yourself. You are not only putting yourself in danger, but the lives of your bodyguards, you are being selfish, Gabrielle!"

Gabi glared at her father viciously, but for once, she was silent. There really was nothing she could say in reply to that. Her father sighed.

"We just want you to be safe," he spoke in a softer tone now. "And you'll be safe in the castle. Kun will be there, and a few servants, but no one else will be allowed in."

"Kun?" She exclaimed, suddenly animated again, and throwing an angry look in the Argentinian's direction. "Why is he coming?"

"Because I trust him with your life, and with good reason," said her father. "Don't argue with me, the decision has been made."

Gabi sighed. Kun, who still wasn't entirely sure why he'd agreed to this, fought back a sigh of his own. He really did feel sorry for the princess, but she'd made her own bed of nails, and now she had to lie in it.

"What makes you think I won't escape from Aires Castle, since I manage so easily from here?"

Kun smirked a little at her words. He knew better than anyone that Gabi would find it much harder than she did at home. Especially with him on guard. He wondered how long it would take her to give up trying?

Gabi was thankfully silent on the way to Aires Castle. It was not a short drive, and Kun wasn't sure he could have handled it if she'd complained the whole way. She almost seemed resigned, however, and Kun would have been fooled had he not known her so well. She was plotting her escape for the minute the car stopped moving, and he unlocked the doors. He eyed her curiously as he drove. She was sitting in the passenger's seat of the royal armoured car they were driving, staring out the window with a wistful expression on her face.

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