Ichor . 1 .

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Elijah always thought about the phrase his grandmother taught him.

'When you're 10, they call you a prodigy
When you're 15, they call you a genius
When you're 20, you're an ordinary person'

My grandmother wasn't really right in the head but she was right about one thing that you turn into an ordinary person.

He gloomily stared at all the medals and trophies kept in the showcase in his house while the television was at commercial break. There were newspaper clippings almost everywhere that it suffocated him in the worst way.

'The 9 year old prodigy pianist offered early scholarship'

'Elijah, the 12 year old piano genius ready to take over the world'

He threw the T.V remote at the showcase causing all of his trophies to crash into the floor. He breathed out a sigh and swept the trophies under his sofa and to a dark corner, so, that his mom doesn't get to know about this.

He wondered what everybody else was doing. Was it just him alone in the summer break sweeping trophies to a dark corner ?

He went outside the house uncaring of the unbuttoned trousers hanging from his slim waist or the furry slippers which his aunt gifted him for Christmas.

Few girls in a passing convertible car whistled at him and he smirked. This is all part of a routine.

Elijah is a genius, he's handsome, he knew it but when is winning going to be interesting ?

He's tired of winning.


Ora was lost. She was completely lost . The new school confused her to no end and she didn't feel comfortable enough to crack some damn good jokes.

After all, Orabelle is a part-time comedian.She had the talent of making people laugh and also making them cry when she's angry because of her insane roasting skills. This time, it was not the perfect time to make people laugh because the students all looked like the hunger games selection session just began.

See, she was that good.

Her black hair was neatly plaited into six and her dark skin  contrasted on the shiny silver necklace on her neck .

She was sure she was going to make new friends because she's the best extrovert she knows of.

Her eyes were caught on the royal blue blazers that everybody wore. She glanced at herself , she had her blazer in her hands and her white crumpled shirt with her skirt pulled till her mid-thighs . Her appearance said a different story from all the others.

It took her awhile to get adjusted to this school of glamour probably because this is the first private school she's attending.

" Hello there, Welcome to Bloomberg's. How can I assist you ? "

The well-dressed girl in ironed uniform spoke in a cheery tone. She looked like she had spoken the line over a thousand times but yet she needs to say it for an A+.

"Hey, Can you show me to the physics class ?"

"Sure, just follow me"

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