Chapter Two- The Night My Innocence Was Taken

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*** Okay so i just finished writing this at like 9:45 and i started around 4:00pm! I hope you like it. I am going to do my homework now ohh by the way i deleted the first chapter and reloaded it with a few changes... for some reason my editing thing wont work.. thats another story! vomment and fave hope you like it :)***  

I had been lying down on my bed writing in my diary. A daily ritual that I used to blow off steam from school, when my cell vibrated. I looked at my phone and was about to ignore the message when I saw Jasmine's number. I always loved when we talked because she was really random. One time she told me that at some party she went to this guy was smoking weed and she tried some. She said that it burned going down her throat but after taking a few inhales she couldn't get enough. She made out with 6 boys that night. Two of which were popular in our school. Ever since then I told myself that any party she had or went to I was going to go. I mean I wasn't getting any younger and the closest sexual experience I ever had was with my cousin Nick and he was asleep! I stuck my hand into his boxers and moved around a bit until I felt something long and warm. His penis was squishy and soft (something I was not expecting because every guys pants seems to bulge as if it could not contain what was zipped inside of it). It was as if I had stuck my hand into a bowl of warm vanilla pudding (my favorite thing in the world). I shook my head free of the flashback and flipped open my phone:  

Are you coming to my bash tonight tee?  


I was confused because I didn't understand how her parents would let her have a party. Especially since they freaked if she got less than an -A on her report cards. Finding out that hormone raging teens would be in there house would drive them into heart attacks. So I sent her a text asking how she managed to have them say yes. In reply she said she didn't that they had left to attend some friend's funeral so she had the whole house to herself for the weekend. I was so excited that I jumped up and down squealing and giggling. Then it dawned to me. How on earth was I going to get my mom to say yes? It had been me and my mother from I was born up until I was 9. She tells me that my father is alive but he couldn't be in my life; this made her over protective of everything. Then she started dating this guy rick when I was 11. To cut the story short they got married and now I had an elf for a father. Literally he was the tiniest man I had ever seen. It didn't help that both my mom and I were about 5'5. She is like a model to me with long flowing light brown hair, hazel eyes, and pouty lips like Angelina Jolie. So it puzzled me on why she fell in love with this man who was so out of her league. Even though they didn't match he made her happy and even made her ease up on my personal life a little bit. So I decided when they were watching TV I would say I wanted to sleep over at Jasmine's house (my cover story).  


I ran to my room satisfied that my mom said yes. She said she would pack my bag for me and I could go to Jasmine's house (was about a 19 block walk) which would take me at least 10minutes on my bike. In this time I took the time to apply my makeup and lip gloss then replied to Jasmine's text.  

Jazzy I'm definitely coming to that party! Pick out somethin for me to wear cus somehow my mom decided it would be best if she chose my clothes. Not a good idea! See you in a bit :p  

- Tee  


When I got to Jasmine's house I thought that I had gotten there early but once I entered her house it was chaos. People were everywhere. Some drunk and talking foolishly, horny teenagers groping each other while kissing, and a few were in her pool. Then there was her living room where people were grinding and rocking out to reggae-ton. I found Jasmine in her kitchen flirting with Thomas a boy she had a crush on since 6th grade. I was debating whether to let her know I was there or let her and Thomas hit it off when she spotted me. Her face instantly lit up  

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