Chapter Three- Two Surprises in One Day

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***Okay so as promised here is chapter 3! I decided I will begin uploading my own audio readings of my book. Why you ask? Well I recently found out that one of my friends have dyslexia and I want people of all conditions to be able to enjoy reading. So if your dyslexic or you just want to listen to the book while doing something else press 'play youtube video' on the this ------>  side of the screen. Enjoy and lol dont judge my voice I tryed to change it to fit my character but it wasnt working so yeaaaa!!***  

Focus... I know this. The function of x is three? Ugh I hate math. Why did everything have to be so damn hard. *bbrrriiinng* the bell indicating lunch goes off. I leave my test on the table half completed but who cared I had way more important things to worry about right now than grades. My mom and the elf were probably planning on telling me that they were expecting a baby. You wonder how I know this? It's simple, I found a stick with a positive sign on it and I have not had any sex since that night which was about a year ago. So me being ruled out of this pregnant situation only left my mom. She was getting noticeable and she said that it was because she stopped exercising. This was a load of crap because she never exercised and ate like a pig and never gained weight which I hated! I bump into a few people on my way to my locker and they scowl at me. Whatever they could kiss my ass! I fumbled with my lock before shrieking and sliding down from my locker to the floor. People walking by looked at me and Nadia and her click walked by laughing. I couldn't breathe. I ripped out my iPod from the small pocket in my backpack and blasted Decode by Paramore.  

"Just the way that you are..." I sang off of pitch but who cared. That song did wonders for me. It was like my personal rehab that was only one click away. I didn't understand how one person could have so much influence over my life. No matter what I did or who I was with or how many times I laughed my thoughts always returned to that night I was raped by Justin. What did I do wrong? Maybe if I didn't kiss him back or if I didn't lie to my parents or... or... It was no use. Even if he was drunk or what I did do that night tempted him. There was no excuse for what he did but all my unsaid anger and sadness was eating me alive.  

Out of nowhere my headphones were ripped out of my ears.  

"What the hell jerk don't you see I'm in the middle of doing something!" I shouted infuriated at the nerve of this person clearly seeing me in the middle of a mental breakdown.  

"Whoa! Calm down. Jeez mellow dramatic much?" Jasmine said handing back my headphones before I attacked her again.  

"Yes I am" I sighed and got off the floor. Which led me to discover all the dust bunnies clinging to the back of my jeans. This school was a walking violation. I didn't understand how it hadn't been shut down yet.  

"... Listen I'm not in the mood for talking right now" I mumbled realizing Jasmine was still there waiting for me.  

"Well you better hurry up and get in the mood! Don't you remember what tomorrow is tee?" Jasmine said jittery with a plastered goofy smile on her face as if she had Botox that had it permanently frozen in the position it was in.  

"What's tomorrow?" I asked letting the curiosity get the better of me.  

"Oh My God! Tara Missouri Cunningham don't tell me you forgot about your own birthday" Jasmine said a little too loud and shocked. I blushed knowing more than four people had heard my whole name. I had a fake one I used in class because I was embarrassed by my own name.  

"Great Jasmine Lee Fitzpatrick. Why don't you tell the whole world!" I said loudly trying to get back at her.  

"Okay okay I see how that can be embarrassing" she said rubbing her neck, blushing.  

"Well listen up. I don't care if you forgot your birthday because I am still going to give you an awesome party!" Jasmine said mischievously. I always hated surprises.  

"Party? Party? With what people? You are the only one that I am close to and besides you know I don't like parties anymore" I turned around to get away from Jasmine when I smacked face first into this hard chiseled figure.  

"Ouch..." I looked up to discover that it was Robert.  

"Sorry Robert" Our eyes locked and I felt my face flush before I quickly looked away. He was the hottest guy in school. I always drew him in art class (he is my art partner) and I loved how his caramel skin complimented the way his curly black hair just fell above his jade green eyes that always seemed to peer into my soul as if looking for my deepest secret. Whenever I was with him I didn't have to put up a wall like I did to other guys. We just talked easily about anything. He must of sensed my embarrassment because he was grinning  

"It's alright Tara" he grinned flirtatiously which gave my stomach butterflies. We both said a quick farewell and went on our way.  

Jasmine nudged me.  

"What was that about?"  

"It was nothing okay. He's my art partner. Just drop it. And another thing. I don't want to have a party, go to a party, or even watch a party going on. To answer any other questions you may have no, no, no, no!" I said getting exasperated storming off.  

Jasmine grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her.  

"Look at me. Look at me." she said in a demanding voice. I squirmed to get away from her which only made her grip on me stronger.  

"I said look at me" Jasmines voice was much softer now. Much more yearning and sincere. I gave in and looked into her eyes.  

"You never talk to me like you used to and you refuse to do anything that has nothing to do with school ever since the party I had last summer. I want to know what's changed"  

My lips started trembling and I was barely holding back tears when decided I would tell me friend everything; Not here though but when I was ready.

"I will tell you what happened, on my birthday but you have to promise that you won't have a birthday party for me" I managed to say after calming down.  


Jasmine and I sat on my bed watching 'Malcolm in the middle' In matching pink Victoria secret pajamas (her present to me) and it went to break. Now's a great time as ever to tell her what happened that night. Breathe.  


"Tara! Can you come downstairs real quick honey" My mom yelled.  

"I'll tell you later jazzy" What crappy timing. My mom was always calling me for unnecessary things. It better be worth it because I don't understand how the birthday girl can't get peace on her own birthday. I made my way into the living room.  

"Yes mo-" I stopped just short of the dining table to see a burly man sitting down across from my mother.  

"Honey, I - I don't know how to say this but um... this is your father."  

*** What Did You Think?!!!! MY story line will start picking up now but I have a lot Of school work so bare with me if you thought it was crappy or had grammar errors> Vomment = Vote and comment (for those who don't know) if you like. Thanks Guys!  

-Much Love ***

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