Chapter 1

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Because of the picture of the Corpse Groom by akisaizo77 of Deviantart, it inspired me to create this story. I thank December Silentvale for helping.


"Bu-Ouch! Too tight!"

"You're getting married, you have to look your best, Trisha." Lady Everette Volkel scolded her daughter for what feels like the hundredth time just that past hour. She watched as the maid tighten the corset around her daughter's waist with a scowl. "Tighter."

Trisha gasped as the maid tightened the corset. She looked over at the corner of her room to see her wedding dress with dread filling up her mind. Her parents had Maddie, the maid, place the damn thing on a mannequin until the day of the wedding. "Mother, what if Trevor and I don't like each other? What then?"

Everette, if it weren't for her status, she would have rolled her eyes. She took out her fan and lightly fanned herself. "As if that has anything to do with marriage. Do you suppose your father and I like, let alone love each other?"

This time, Trisha gasped for a totally different reason. She remained quiet while she finished getting dressed. By then, her father had entered the room with an obvious scowl. Her mother told him about her silly nothing that one must like each other to marry. Perhaps he feels differently? "Surely you two must feel something for the other, even a little? Father?"

"Of course I do not feel anything towards your mother." Lester Volkel snorted, he walked over the wedding dress and his scowl only seemed to grow. "Your mother and I got married for the sole purpose to grow our respective families fortune and social status. Which you will be doing the same with your marriage to Trevor."

"Now, hurry up. We don't want to be late." Everette tutted before leaving the room with Lester following behind her.

Trisha could only shake her head at her parent's actions. She motioned for Maddie to leave her be and that she'll finished getting dressed. The old maid already has it rough as it is and with how her mother keeps screaming at her to do something else, Maddie ran off.

Putting on her shoes, Trisha sat next to her vanity mirror with photographs of herself and her dog, when she was younger. She couldn't help but smile softly at the picture, her dog was a Rottweiler by the name of Liam. Her father had given her Liam with the excuse that she needed protection from anyone that would want to endanger her. In reality, Trisha suspected he did so due to the fact how lonely she was growing up without any sort of companionship. Even if her parents didn't like each other, Trisha believed, at the very least, that they truly did care about her. Even if her mother treated her with contempt.

Next to the photograph was her sketchbook... whatever remained of it that is... her mother didn't approve of her sketching, saying that it's unladylike.

Feeling the need for some fresh air, Trisha headed towards one of her windows and opened it as wide as it could go. Even if it was a cloudy day, it did bring her peace. Looking down at the town below, Trisha could see everyone going about their day. Everyone doing their business without a care in the world by the looks of it. At the end of the street, she could see her family's fish shop doing rather well today. Of course... it's all about wealth and social status...

As this went on, down below a town crier started to call out the events for the day. Today's event only caused Trisha to wonder what her parents had gotten her into.

"Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Volkel's wedding rehearsal!"

Down at the Fish shop, Mayhew, an employee of Trisha's parents lifted himself up to the driver's seat of the black family carriage. Smoking his pipe, Mayhew circled the carriage around the square. His terrible cough acting up again as he passed an old woman with a walker.

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