Chapter 4

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After literature, Minrae went to the cafeteria and put her hand over her eyes, searching for her friends.

"Boo!", a voice screeched behind her and someone slapped their hands over her eyes.
"Guess who?", the person shouted in Minrae's ear.
It was

"Yunaaaaaaaa unniiiieeeeee!"


They happily shouted and hugged like they hadn't seen each other in years.
"Finally you're back", Minrae 'whispered' and faked a tear. "I thought you had left me or something!"

"Do not worry", Yuna dramatically said, grasping her heart, "from now on I shall not leave your side!"

"Psssh, as if. I do need to poop at some time", Minrae said, ruining the moment. "Anyways, Yunicorn unnie, what did you get for Christmas?"

"Oh, nothing much. I only got the new Huawei Phone and five cases, look! It's waterproof and I can put it anywhere without it breaking! Even in sand!"

As she rambled on, Yuna suddenly saw Minrae's expression change to a sad and frustrated one and figured it was because she didn't get any presents.

"And I brought you a present!", Yuna quickly said and was pleased to see Minrae's expression change once again into a curious one as Minrae asked herself what it could be.

Yuna fumbled in her bag and gave her her airpods.

She hadn't really planned on giving Minrae these, but this was an emergency.
Yuna had gotten the airpods for Christmas, but she didn't mind giving them away since she had two more of these.

"Thankssssss!", Minrae screeched.

Then she remembered something.

"Who was I looking for again? Ah, yes the new student, his name's Jungkook. I'll introduce him to him. He has very nice hands."

"JUNGKOOK!", Minrae yelled across the cafeteria as loud as she could to make sure he definitely heard her, making heads of other students towards her.

"Yes?", a voice said behind her making Minrae flinch hard. Minrae was the type of person to flinch really hard.

"Jungkook!", Minrae said, shocked and clutching her heart, while the boy snickered at her.

"You called me?", Jungkook asked.

Minrae put her hand to her chin and tried to remember why exactly she had called him.

"Um... I don't really know what I wanted to do with you, but nevermind, you wanna sit and eat and talk?"

"Sure!", Jungkook replied. "Do you mind if my friends sit there too?"
Minrae looked at Yuna and said: "No, not at all!"

Jungkook smiled and led them to a table where six boys sat.
"Hi, hyungs, this is the girl who helped me earlier!", He said and I smiled brightly and waved. "I'm Minrae and this is my friend Yuna!" "Best", Yuna corrected and Minrae playfully rolled her eyes. "My best friends are ice cream and my bed."

"Hello!", Nearly every boy said and Minrae noticed one of them was sleeping.

How is he able to sleep in a place full of food and loud students?, Minrae thought, then turned her attention back to her friends - no, just kidding. She of course turned her attention back to the food which stood in front of her.

As they chatted, Jungkook asked for their age and it turned out that Minrae was the youngest.

Oldest to youngest
Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin&Yuna (same birthdate), Taehyung, Jungkook, Minrae

"Ok so Taehyung oppa", Minrae started when she saw his ears and cheeks turn red slightly.

"Why are your ears red?", Minrae asked cautiously. "Is it because of the 'oppa'?"

He nodded and Minrae quickly 'ohh'ed. "What should I call you then? Senpai?", she tried to save it.

The tallest, Minrae remembered he was called Namjoon, let out a snort and the others except Taehyung chuckled at Minhee and the way Taehyung turned even redder.

"Just Tae or Sunbae, please.", He mumbled.

Then Minrae saw his jacket.

"Hey, is that Gucci?"

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