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Brunnhilde did not like the way she was feeling. Rather, she did not like how much she enjoyed the way she was feeling. Why couldn't she wipe the stupid smile off her face? She pulled herself out of her happy trance and quickly removed herself. "I'm going to go get a drink." Loki smirk. "Oh so the gallon you just downed wasn't enough?" She rolled her eyes. "If you can't tell I don't hold back on the alcohol. It's kind of a choice." Loki made a puzzled face. "Are you 21?" they asked. She shrugged. "Mostly."

"It's a yes or no question, Brun." Why was he so serious about this? They'd just met her. Yet she couldn't seem to pull herself away from them. "You have a funny accent. Not quite like your brother's." she said, eager to change the subject. "Oh, well I am adopted."

"Oh. I wouldn't have guessed. I see it now though. You aren't exactly as loud as your brother. Do you go to school here?" Loki was smirking. It was contagious and Brun had to work hard to fight off a smile. "Yes I do. I am a theater major. What about you. I love guessing the majors of people, but I can't put my finger on what you seem like." Loki sounded amused. Brun was eager to keep him that way.

"I'm a women's studies major with a minor in gay and lesbian studies." Loki's eyebrows went up. "I know it's stupid but-"

"No, no. It's impressive. That must be really interesting. What do you plan to do with that degree?"

Brun sighed. "I don't really know. I just want to punch people with my knowledge." They both laughed. "Maybe a journalist or director of a crisis center or something. What about you. Theater major? What's your plan with that? I've never seen you act, but let's be real. Most theater majors don't win Oscars."

Loki chuckled. "Well, you're not wrong. Obviously the goal is Broadway, but if not, I've got a minor in education and society. I think I could pull off high school drama teacher." Brun laughed. "You? A teacher? Of kids?"

"What? That bad? Look, I may be a bit on the dark side, but kids love that right?" They both cracked up and had a moment of silence. Just looking at each other. Brun suddenly realized that this was the first time in a long time that she had felt this feeling of happiness without a drink at her lips. Brun bit her chapped lips trying to find something to say. It was also the first time in a long time she had been speechless. Loki did their stupid, charming, perfect, mischievous smile.

She said the only thing she knew how to say in that situation. "I'm going to go refill my drink. Do you want anything, Laki?"

"Um...It's Loki, and no, I'm good."

"For the record I know very well that it's Loki. I was messing with you. In case you didn't catch that."

"Wow. I...don't like that." Brun gave an airy laugh. Loki very clearly was stalling her from getting another drink. "Alright. If I let you mess with me, will you keep talking to me?" Loki asked with that tender yet scheming look in his piercing sea green eyes that Brun could never resist. "How about this. I listen to you until my next drink is empty." she bargained. Loki sighed. "Will that slow you down?" they asked. "Maybe." she said in a slow and biting tone. "Can you promise me that talking to me will slow you down?"

"Have you ever heard the saying 'Don't make a promise that you can't keep?'" Brun then turned away and walked over to the drinks table. Loki exhaled a long sigh and reluctantly followed her.

Choose Your Next Words Wisely: A Valki AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя