As You Wish

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Loki and Brun talked all night. Loki now knew that Brun: has no siblings, Likes the colors green, blue, and purple, doesn't like the color orange, likes rock music but Harry Styles is her guilty pleasure, her family is from Norway, she loves any literature with a strong female protagonist, she does not have any close relationships in her family, she has been drinking since she was 15, and she loves white roses. Sure, it was all just random facts from playful banter, but Loki fell more in love with her every second she talked. When the party was over, Loki found themselves not wanting to leave. They couldn't bear the thought of her leaving. Loki almost noticeably deflated when Brun stood and said, "Well, I have an early day at work tomorrow. I should head out."

Thor tried to give her a hug, which she agilely slid out of. She thanked Thor for the party and then made her way to the door. She then flashed her eyes toward Loki who quickly averted his gaze and pretended they hadn't been watching. She rolled her eyes and slid out the door. Loki tried. They really tried, but they couldn't resist. Loki slid out the door behind her. She was nearing the end of the hallway when she looked back and saw them standing there.

"I thought you might join me." They both stood there in a stare off for a few moments. "Are you going to walk me home, or are you just going to stand and gawk?" Loki shook out of their trance and rushed to catch up with her. When they stood beside one another, they locked eyes. "Hi." said Loki. "Hey." she said. Both of them stared ahead, occasionally sneaking glances and smirks at one another. The backs of their hands brushing together ever so slightly.

Brun's dorm was about a half a mile across campus. The two didn't talk much. It was a nice feeling. It was silence, but not awkward silence. It had to be at least 12:00 a.m. The campus was dark and calm. Just the occasional street lamp or the sound of music from a nearby dorm disturbed this peaceful space. They grew closer together along the walk. Loki couldn't stand it any longer. They wrapped their hand around her and intertwined their fingers together. Loki was almost scared to look at her. They lifted their head toward her and saw staring at him with the most playful smirk across her face. Her smile widened and her nose wrinkled when Loki looked at her. It filled Loki with the most joy he'd ever felt.

They reached her dorm and gazed at each other momentarily. It was obvious that neither of them wanted to let each other go. Neither of them would admit to that though. " I had fun tonight," Brun said.

"And I as well. Oh and Brun? Don't drink anymore tonight." Brun rolled her eyes. "If you learn anything about me, it should be that I know how to handle a little alcohol." Loki kept her gaze with a steady, stern look. She sighed. "Even when you're annoying the fuck out of me you're adorable." This made them blush a little, but Loki didn't look away from Brun. She sighed again and dropped her shoulders. "Fine. But just for tonight. I won't drink anymore."

"Thank you, Brun."

Brun started to pull away, but their hands were still clasped together. As she pulled away, their hands rose and Loki pulled Brun's hand to his lips and gave it a gentle and soft goodnight kiss. She stopped for a moment and cast a troubled gaze toward Loki and then broke away and rushed inside.

Loki felt a darkness cast over them. They blew it. They moved too fast. But then-


The door of the dorm opened again and Brun ran out. She stopped in front of Loki, out of breath. "Hey." she said. "Um...hey?" Loki said, puzzled. "That was weird. No-I was weird. I'm sorry I just- I can't think straight around you. It's just everyone I'm close to always ends up getting hurt and...I can't do that to you."

Loki smirked. "I don't know what you've been through Brun. I don't even know you that well, but I do know one thing. No matter what pain I have to go through, I'm willing to go through it to get to be with you. You deserve everything that you want and more in love. Don't punish yourself because of past experiences. Brun... not everyone is going to hurt you and you could never do anything to hurt me."

Brun fought back tears. She then embraced Loki in a long, warm hug. Loki was taken aback at first and didn't hug her back. But slowly, they moved their hands to her back and on her head. "Loki stroked her hair and whispered, "It's alright. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you." The two stayed like this for several minutes. Loki realized that this was the first time they had felt a connection like this...maybe ever. They never thought they were the type who liked being needed. Loki felt like they had a power to make Brun feel better. They had never been able to make anyone feel better just by being there. Brun felt unique that way. Standing here, with her head on their shoulder was what they both needed.

After a few minutes, Brun pulled away abruptly with a face of disbelief. She knit her brows together. She sniffed. "I'm not usually a touchy feely person." She looked like she didn't believe what she had just done. "Just...don't tell anyone what happened here yet." she said with an anxious gaze. "As you wish." Loki said gently.Brun squinted. "Was that a Princess Bride reference?"

"An accidental one, yes." They both laughed, stalling so they wouldn't have to leave one another. Loki finally turned away and started the walk back to his dorm. They looked back just in time to see Brun look up at the sky and shake her head, as if scolding herself. Loki thought it was the cutest thing and found themselves smiling the entire walk back.

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