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"we don't meet people on accident

they are meant to cross our path for a reason"

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Autumn consumed the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, casting hues of mustard yellows, burnt oranges, crisp reds, and warm browns on all the trees. The leaves rustled quietly in the chill breeze and spiraled down to the ground, slithering across the cracked pavement of Hawkins high school's parking lot. I stood with my back reposing against my cherry red truck, fidgeting with my books that I held against my chest as an effort to warm myself against the piercing cold wind. My dark chocolate curls flipped about in my face and I pushed a strand behind my ear. From a distance, I spotted a familiar green striped sweater and platinum blonde bob walk in my direction. 

"I thought I recognized you," I remarked, a smile caressing my fair cheeks as my friend approached me, a smile also on her face. Alexandra Quinn is one of the prettiest girls in our junior class and my best friend since elementary school. She had light, dusty blonde hair with shimmering forest green eyes and peachy skin, quite different compared to my dark brown almost black hair, icy blue eyes and snow-white skin.

"Why ? Does my new title as cheer captain render me a stranger ?" She teased, flipping her hair as if to show off playfully. I laugh and give her a small squeeze on the shoulder. 

"Congrats, Alex. I knew you would get it. You've been cheering since like the 2nd grade," I commented, snatching my floral book bag off the ground as Alexandra and I start walking toward the school entrance which was nothing but empty save a few football players horsing around. We were almost halfway across the parking lot when a racing blue Camaro blasting "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by Scorpions nearly hits me trying to squeeze into a parking space. 

"Oh my God ! Are you okay ?" Alexandra asks from behind me, grabbing my shoulder in concern as I stood, my breath caught in my throat. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, " I mutter in reply, brushing the dirt off my blue jeans. "Who the hell is that anyway ?"

Alexandra shrugged as a ginger-haired girl exits the Camaro and skates away angrily toward the middle school on her skateboard. I stomped over to the driver's door and knocked on the window impatiently, Alexandra following close behind me.  A few students had begun to stare at the car in awe and curiosity. The tinted window slowly rolled down revealing an extremely attractive man. He had a curly golden mullet and baby blue eyes that held me captive under their gaze. A cigarette was burning between his two soft pink lips that blew grey smoke out gently. 

"You almost ran me over !" I exclaimed, ignoring at how attracted I was to him. He turns to face me, my breath caught in my throat, and pulls the cigarette out of his mouth, blowing out small grey rings. 

"And you are ?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, a mysterious glint in his eyes as he looked me up and down, causing a chill to crawl over my shoulders. Maybe that was just the weather. A strange vibe emanated from him, but it only made me more interested. 

"Eileen, Eileen Owens, " I replied, tightening my grip around the books I carried in my arms. He smirked and took a drag from his cigarette before tossing it onto the ground near my shoes.

"Well, Eileen Owens," He began, shifting his position to exit the car. I backed away from the door to let him out. He slammed the door and took a step toward me, his height over-towering mine. He leans down toward my face, his breath smelling of cigarettes and faded cinnamon whiskey. 

"You're still standing," He finishes, a sarcastic expression on his face which only increased my anger. 

"Yeah, well you still shouldn't drive like a psychopath !" I protest, my knuckles turning white from how hard I was gripping my books. He inched even closer to me, only a small gap between our bodies. 

'Yeah ? What if I am a psychopath ?" He asked, his voice low and raspy. I stared at him blankly as he began to walk away from me, that damn smirk still plastered on his face.  Who does this guy even think he is ?  Waltzing into Hawkins acting like he owns the place or something ! 

I huffed out a breath as his intoxicating scent and denim-covered body disappeared out of sight. It infuriated me. Alexandra gives me a worrying look as we walk toward the school entrance. A bitter taste left on my tongue. I never did get his name. 

Hungry Heart ~ A Stranger Things Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें