chapter one: space invaders

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"whenever you think about someone  a lot

it's because they were thinking of you first"

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"I need your help tonight, E," Alexandra pleaded, calling me by my nickname as she leaned against the cream-colored lockers that lined the wall. I rummaged through my bag, looking for my locker combination that I can never seem to remember. The halls were crowded with students that chatted away to their friends as a means of escape so they wouldn't have to go to first period. 

"With what ?" I asked in reply, glancing over at my friend while shuffling my books around in my bag. I twist in the combination for my locker after finally finding it buried underneath my folders. 

"I have this huge Biology test tomorrow and I need help studying. You known science is my worst subject, " Alexandra explained as I shoved my U.S History book into my locker before slamming it shut. I surveyed the sea of students that flooded the hall and spot Nancy Wheeler talking to Steve Harrington, the most popular and attractive boy in our school. If only he was single, I thought, biting my lip as I stared at him in admiration. 

"Hello ?" Alexandra called, snapping her fingers in my face causing me to break out of whatever daze I was in. I shook my head and returned my eyes to hers. 

"Sorry, you said you needed help studying ?" I asked and she nodded. 

"Yes, now wipe that drool off your chin, Eileen," Alexandra teased and I hit her playfully as we walked past Hawkins favorite couple. I have had feelings for Steve since the 7th grade and they've never really gone away. When he was a sophomore and I was a freshman, he helped me find my classes cause I kept getting lost. He was so kind to me, but that's like the only time we've ever really talked. I glanced back at him, a feeling of longing in my chest, before entering my first period class. 

• ࿇ •

During class, I couldn't help but look over at Jonathan Byers, the older brother of the boy who went missing last year, Will Byers, who was now being treated by my father, Dr. Samuel Owens in the old lab facility in the woods. I felt a pang of empathy shoot through my chest, I knew the pain of losing someone you loved, but not the gratitude of gaining them back. I realized that I had begun to stare so my eyes returned to my notes sitting on the grey desk I sat at, letting my thoughts return to the topic of the class. 

After class, everyone exited the classroom as Tina Aczel handed out bright orange flyers stating "You've been invited to Tina's Halloween Bash on Oct. 31st!" I read the paper over, not even realizing I was about to collide into someone. 

"Shit, " I muttered as my books tumbled to the ground. 

"I am really sorry about that, " A familiar voice chuckled nervously. I look up to meet a pair of warm brown eyes belonging to the only Steve Harrington. He picked up my books and offered me a hand which I took. He handed me my books, his eyes glistening apologetically. 

"Oh no, it was my fault ! I should've been watching where I was going," I replied, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear after accepting the books from him, butterflies swarming in my stomach. "Thank you." 

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