I want to choose my man

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I was waiting for the announcer to just go ahead and say it. I didn't know what to think. "And the winner is-" I cut him off and yelled "WAIT! STOP! I decided that I should choose. I need more time!" Joshie looked at me scornfully. he shook his head, disappointed,, and waved a sausage at my face. Kelly came over and told me to take as much time as I needed. he was so comforting. Joshie walked over to me with his arm around a frisky young lady. Joshie said to me ,"hey Babe I gotta leave. catch you later." I raised my eyebrows at him "Joshie, sweets, are you bringing HER? what are you guys going to do? You better not cheat on me." he looked back at me with those glassy eyes of his. he snorted,"it's none of your buisness. and if I was cheatin' on ya, you couldn't do nuthin' bout' it. I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you." I shrugged and said, "valid point." he walked out with the girl on his arm. Kelly raised his eyebrows at me. "what?" I asked, "he won't actually do anything. he does this all the time to make me jealous. he always leaves places with another girl. he probably leaves her on the street and goes home to watch TV for a couple hours. he wouldn't cheat when he has someone as good as this." I spun around to show Kelly the whole package. I twirled and twirled, but then I tripped on mrs salad and faceplanted onto the floor. I shakily stood up as blood steadily flowed out of my nose. Kelly asked me if I was okay, and i gave him a thumbs up. I tried to walk over to him, but the heel of my stilettos snapped off and I feel again, this time right on to Mrs salad. She screeched, picked up my broken off heel from the floor, and jabbed it into my thigh. I let out a little yelp, and crawled over to Kelly. I looked up at him and croaked, "I'm still fine!". I pulled myself up with a nearby chair, and i finally got my balance. I brushed myself off and said, "tada!" then out of no where, Mrs salad charged into me, sending me flying out of the second story window, and landing onto the pavement in the parking lot. I got up on my knees and shouted, "woah! I feel fine!" my arm was bent a way that shouldn't be best. I lick it to make it feel better. I haven't brushed my teeth. revolting. Just as I was about to stand up, joshie's mustard colored pick up trash rimmed into me, crushing my frail body. then everything went black.

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