Chapter 1

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Somin's P.O.V

"But Uncle! Why do I have to go?!" I whined, shoving some more clothes into my suitcase.

"Because your full vampire powers are starting to form, and you won't be able to control your thirst!" he yelled, helping me with my clothes. "Besides, Jungkook will be with you."

I nodded and headed out the door, taking a deep breath.


I sat in the car and put my headphones on, snuggling into my best friend's comforting embrace.

Oh! The name's Somin, and I'm a half human/half vampire hybrid. And up until now, I've been living with my uncle. My parents died the day I was born. My mother, during child birth and my father during a car crash on the way home.

According to my uncle, I've always been a very powerful force to behold, but I've never felt all that powerful. The only thing is that I started growing really fast since the day I was born. I'm 16, but I look like I'm in my mid-twenties. My uncle said I'll stop growing when I turn 18, but I honestly doubt that.

My vampire powers will start to kick in soon, and my uncle doesn't want me to have to deal with the guilt of killing many innocents, so I'm being sent to a boarding school by the name of Vampire Academy. At least Jungkook will be with me...

He's 120 years old, but looks like he's 18. And he'll stay that way until he dies, since he was turned and not born, unlike me. He's a second year, and I will be too. Even though it's my first year there, my uncle has taught me a lot about the history and way of vampires, and I tested well on the entrance exam. According to my results, the school board there decided to put me into the second year.

The other main difference between me and most other vampires is that I have deep, chocolate brown eyes. Most female vampires have violet eyes, but apparently mine won't become violet until all of my vampire powers kick in. And in all honestly, they couldn't come soon enough.

I looked in the rear view mirror and sighed. I look just like her, except for the violet eyes and stern stare. The most important part about my mother is that she is a very famous Countess who served for Dracula himself, so everyone in the vampire community knows her. I just hope that people don't realize who I am. I don't do well in crowds...

There is one person I'm actually kind of excited to meet. You see, the school was founded by Dracula himself, and my mother was a teacher there. His wife, Elissa Dracul, is the headmistress there, and I honestly want to hear more about my mother. My uncle didn't speak of her much, since she was his sister. According to him, the two were really close, especially after their parents were murdered when they were younger.

"We're almost there..." Jungkook whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was only then that I realized I had spent most of the car ride silent and just thinking about how things would end up progressing there.

"Yay." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, cheer up. I know you haven't really been around that many vampires before, but they don't bite." He joked a bit.

"Um, that's kind of the only thing vampires do, Kookie." I joked back a bit, a small smile forming on my lips.

He smiled back at me brightly and nudged my side a bit with his shoulder. "Oh, come on. You'll be fine. Besides, I'll be right by your side the whole time, so just relax, okay?" He offered, now making me smile a bit more.

I took a deep breath as the car made a stop right in front of a rather intimidating looking chrome castle with deep, ruby red looking tips on the spires. "Let's do this." I said, exiting the car.

Jungkook took my hand soon after I left the car, due to his super speed. God, I couldn't wait until I would be able to do that.

"Alright, the staff will get our bags and take them to our rooms. For now, we have to enter and go to the Headmistress's office." He said, walking me up to the enormous granite door dead in the center of the school. There were two lit torches on either side, with bright blue flames glowing on the tips of their holders.

I nodded and stepped through the door with him. "Well, here goes the start of my new life, I guess..." I mumbled, letting him lead me to the Headmistress's office.

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