Found You At Last

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It all comes down to this moment, a huge risk that I'm willing to take.

 Even if it costs me everything. 


Pinned down violently to the floor my vision starts blurring in and out, as cold hands grip my frail neck. Faustus on the other end hurrying to my rescue, with a terrified look in his eyes.

"Don't you dare come in here!"

My voice a little rough as I shouted to the short man, who stood motionless on the other end of the cell.

"He's going to k-kill you!"


"Let me at least help you soothe his anger...p-lease."

"Don't hurt him!"

"I won't hurt him. Please trust me."

I cleared away my stubbornness at that moment and gave him a chance to help. 

"Okay... do what you can"

I coughed violently as I felt the air starting to leave my body. Numbness filled my body making everything around me foggy. I needed to hold on just a little while longer.


Cheshire shouted in my face as he continued crushing me beneath his weight.


Suddenly a bright light surrounded us and enveloped us in its brightness. Suddenly Cheshire's memories flashed across the room. Everything from the very beginning till now filled Cheshire's head. It was a vision of like shattered glass coming together and forming a whole. I looked over to Faustus who seem to be in full concentration on his spell.

"Close your eyes N-Nickky or the memory shards will pour into you."

"Okay, please bring back my kitten to me Fautus."


I swiftly closed my eyes as I could feel the weight lighten on me and Cheshire's hands moved away from my neck. I could hear low cries but I dare not open my eyes yet, for I wasn't sure if it was safe yet. I felt myself being held and tears falling on my cheek.

"Nickky.....Nickky......nickky......nic....I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...please don't die. I promise I'll be a good kitten from now on.....I'm......sorryyy!!!!!"

"Found you at...last."

I caressed his cheek lightly.


"Come on... you really think I'm going to die after I tried so hard to find you? Heck no!"

I opened my eyes and gave Cheshire a bright smile. His face stained with tears and a bit dirty stared at me with wide eyes. I patted his head gently as I sat up a little.

"You may be a little beaten up and not at your best but you are still my Cheshire."

"Nickky, I thought I lost you forever. After all that I went through, after all the pain I'm glad you still found me."

"I would go to the ends of the earth to find you. I'll even beat up the bad guys too mhm!"

Cheshire pounced on me hugging me tightly as I patted his head. He laid on me and cried a little. I petted his back assuring him that it would all be okay. Faustus smiled as e knelt beside both of us and silently healed our wounds. I mouthed to him 'thank you' at which he returned a smile. After a few minutes Cheshire settled down and me and Faustus got him all cleaned up.

"Looking mighty fine indeed."

I complimented Cheshire since he finally looked like himself again, a few scars here and there but he looked much better than before.

"Pffts these battle scars going to get all the ladies."

"Yeah right. In your dreams buttercup."

I teased him in which we had a hearty laugh. Soon it was time to leave this smelly place, I sighed in relief knowing that we got back Cheshire. Faustus walked us down a long corridor and stopped at a door at the further end.

"This is my g-goodbye to you both."

"Thank you for helping us out of a really tough spot. I am very thankful. I can never repay your kindness."

"I wish you great travels on your journey ahead. Keep your bonds close, they are your greatest strength."

I bent down giving the small man a hug then stood up. His face turned bright red and he rubbed his face.

"Ahem, through this door it will lead you to the exit outside. Hold each other's hands and soon you will out in no time. This is farewell my child."

"Goodbye Fautus thanks again for everything. I'll visit you sometime!"


"Let's go Cheshire!"


I held Cheshire's hand as we walked into the dark room. I squished Cheshire's hand tightly as we walked through the darkness. It was dead silent as before only the humming noise of my flower crown could be heard.

"I hate the silence!."

I muttered out loud though I knew Cheshire couldn't hear me.

"Me too!"

"Wait you can hear me?"

"Mentally yeah!"


Well as you can guess the walk through the darkness wasn't so boring as I thought it would be. After walking for awhile chatting and cracking jokes we finally made it out. It was nighttime outside and the guard was sound asleep. The night sky was so beautiful, a full moon hung lazily above us. I never felt so happy to see the outdoors.

"Finallyyyyyy!!!!!!! Outside!!!!!"

I squealed in happiness hugging Cheshire tightly. He lifted me up and swayed a little purring in response.

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