Chapter 2 (Veronica)

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Hi,my name is Veronica and my last name..well it doesn't really matter.Anyways welcome to my crazy life.Now let's get right into it,i'm 17 years old,i go to a crappy high school and I've had the same group of friends since the third grade, yeah i know right i can't believe it either. Now you see that guy on the top of the page...that's Noen.. My boyfriend..I know right he's such a hottie..okay okay let's get this day started.

It's Friday morning and there's no school.WHY?? well i don't know and i don't really care. Anyways the whole "gang" is meeting up at the park down the street from my house to discuss what we are doing for one of my friends Rosie. Rosie is like a sister i never had and i love her to death..But i can't say she's my best friend or else Chase will kill me,Oh i forgot to tell you about Chase..My bad..let me make this short..Chase is my best friend and my first friend.We do everything together and Talk about literally everything,He was the person i asked for help when i started my period..I know..weird right? but aye i was 13 and thought i had a ketchup stain on my pants what was i suppose to do ?okay back to where we were i walked to the park in my Nike slides with Nike socks, black sweats, and a black hoodie because it was freezing outside, and i just put my hair up in a messy bun and i had no makeup on.Just another bummy day.So i arrived and Destiny "the princess" of the gang was there, the one that always gets her way,the one i personally don't like but i have to act like i'm friends with her because she's dating my best friend, Yup that's Chase's Girlfriend, I honestly don't know what he see's in her but it's whatever,Anyway's she was there...THE ONLY ONE THERE !!LIKE WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE ELSE AT?WHY I GOTTA BE ALONE WITH THIS BITCH...but wait...i see brad pulling up Thank god!!i walk up to brad

Me:BRADDDDD!!*i Yell to him*

Brad:VERONICAAA!! *he yells back*

Me:wait up 

Brad:hey where's Chase i thought you guys were coming together?

Me:i texted him in the morning and he never replied

Brad:you think he's gonna show?

me:oh yeah of course he never misses these things he's just a lazy ass who wakes up late and takes forever to get ready *i say with a fake smile*

*Brad starts laughing*

Destiny:hey guy's ....Where's Chase 

Brad:he'll be here soon

we all sit on our bench..and yes i said our bench because we have been hanging out at this park since we were kids and we always got this bench every time we have meetings, when we just wanna talk, and when we have dope ass smoke sessions *wink wink* we even carved all our names on it .

so were sitting down waiting for this ass hat to show up

30 minutes pass so i decide to blow up his phone 

i look up and see this guy walking up to us 

Me:"wow look who finally decided to show up"

Chase then just gives me that "haha very funny smile" and then sit's next to his boo thang

Destiny:"hey babe"(gives him a kiss on the check)

*i roll my eyes*

Destiny then starts talking like always saying how she wants to throw Rosie a surprise party at her house and i'm 100% down for that, what can i say i love parties and even tho i hate this bitch she got a nice ass house and her parents are out of town so FUCK IT 

Chase"yeah sounds good what do you need me to do?"

Destiny"okay so Brad you can help me with food,snacks,beverages,and of course the drugs you know how our girls loves her weed"

Me"I can actually get the weed, i know a guy and his shit is bomb"

Destiny"okay then i guess you'll do that,and can u get decorations while your at it ?"

Me"yeah no prob"

Chase"ill help with decorations to i have a lot of party supplies in my garage that are brand new"

Destiny"oh okay so it'll be the two of you...together?"


oh yeah btw this girl is the Jealous type especially when it comes to me and Chase ,It's actually pretty funny 

chase:"babe it's fine you know your my one and only"  


Me:"yeah trust you got nothing to worry about princess"(I say while crossing my  legs and turn slightly and start laughing hehe"

Brad"alrighty so we have till 5:00pm tonight to get everything we need because Rosie is gonna be home by 6"

Chase"alright lets get going,oh and wheres Noen?"

Brad"he's with Rosie his mom made him go to that car wash thing to"

Chase"oh alright "

I then get up and start walking to my car, yes i know what your thinking *how is she walking to her car when she didn't drive* well i live down the street  and my car is not that far so i hope that answered your question :)

Me"come on bestie let's go (I yell while walking to my car)

Chase "there i go hold on"

i get into my car and start it and i see Mr lovey dovey over here with his princess giving her a kiss so i decided to be a dick and Honk hehe

Me:"hurry up"

Chase then starts walking up to my car and gives me that smile again haha he loves me 

This is the end of chapter 2;)

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