Chapter 3

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Chase then gets in the car

Chase:can i drive?

me:Fuck no (i then start laughing and so does chase)

Chase:so where we going?

me:well i kinda want to get the drugs first since Charlie sells out fast

So Charlie is my drug dealer/homie my dad knows his dad and that's basically how we met and yes his dad knows he sells...obviously since he has a whole shop in the basement haha

Chase: alright let's stop off at his pad

I then start the car and start driving to charlies house 

me:hey can you get my phone and call charlie to let him know were heading over there

Chase:yess mamm

he then get's my phone and calls charlie 

Me:put him on speaker 

Chase then put's him on speaker and he answers

Charlie: Hey whats up V

me:hey charlie you home?

Charlie :nahhh man not at the moment i'm helping my homie make delivery's ,why wassup? you need that good good or what?

Me:hell yeah man i was already heading to your pad

Charlie:you know what i got chuu ill be home in about an hour u can come then 

me:for sure thanks again man

Charlie:of course anything for my favorite stoner (he says laughing)

Me:that's right haha alright charlie thanks again man 

charlie:anytime ill see you in a bit 

Chase then ends the call

Chase :since we got an hour you want to head to my place to get the decorations ?

Me:yeah sure let's go do that

I then turn around and head to Chase's house 

Me:We have arrived 

Chase then just starts laughing and then looks at me 


chase:nothing (he says smiling and still staring into my motha fucken soul god dammm i hate when he does that because he has beautiful ass eyes and it low key turns me on not gonna lie)

me:okayy let's go get the stuff 

(i say to break the tension we had going on)

chase:oh yeah..right

we both get off and go inside, chase then opens his garage and starts grabbing all the boxes filled with decorations 

me:hey you need help there buddy 

chase:nah i got it i know your lazy ass doesn't want to help but thanks for offerings anyways (he say's with that cute smile of his hehe)

Me:wow you know me so well, hey can i use your restroom?

Chase:yeah but use the one in my room the downstairs restroom is broken

Me:i wonder who broke it (i say while walking up the stairs and start laughing)

Chase then just shakes his head and giggles 

so i go into his room and then use the restroom or whateva you know just doing my business and all that good stuff.

i walk out and then just look around Chase's room, i then see this picture frame of us when we were kids, it's actually the first picture we took together , it was when we were in first grade,dammm time goes by so fast

Chase:hey what chu looking at ?

me:where did you get this picture?

Chase:my mom gave it to me,she found it when we were looking through all our old photos 

he then leans on the dresser in his room 

Me:ima steal it 

Chase just starts laughing 

Me:what ? i'm serious 

Chase: ha over my dead body 

i then just sit on his bed because his bed is so comfy 

Me: remember all those sleepovers we had when we were little 

Chase:yup, like it was yesterday

I then just smile 

Chase then walks up to me 

Chase: we have been best friends forever


Chase then looks into my eyes,he does that lip biting thing and omg that's hot 

Should I kiss him?

Fuck it, what do i got to loose? 

i grab him by his shirt and smack my lips onto his 

Omg there so soft 

he's now on top of me 

were making out so hard omg 

he then rolls me over and now im top of him 

i then start thrusting a little bit   (Aka Grinding on him)

My phone then rings 

i then look over to see who it is while chase is kissing my neck 



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