CASE 21 - Sanctuary (Sable's POV 6)

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I had an escape plan.

The original plan was to meet Aliana; the sender of the postcards, also the one responsible for Shannon's death. Shannon would have not died if she wasn't on that bridge, her taxi being tailed on her way to Ares.

I held Luciel in my arms as I kissed him for the last time. I knew for myself that he was not going to make it, even if the ambulance arrived soon.

It was only then I realized how much he loved me; diving into danger the moment he sensed it. He knew I was going to be shot, and he knew just when to step in. He was bright and intuitive, like how I perceived him to be.

It was also only then I realized how much I actually loved him. I was going to bring this with me for the rest of my life; witnessing another loved one die in front of me, bleeding and catching his breath.

How many times would my heart be broken? Was this my punishment for burning my parents, for killing people who did bad deeds?

I lost him, in a blink of an eye.

It was starting to rain, and I could hear the sirens approaching. I also heard Fatima calling for my name, and just then I knew, I had to flee.

I slowly let go of Luciel, leaving him on the ground breathing weakly. I was still crying, my tears never seemed to end. It was painful for me, to see loved ones dying in front of me. It was heartbreaking and devastating to leave him behind, helpless.

"I love you, Luciel." I whispered to him and left.

In another life, if we'd ever get to meet again; I promise to be good to you, to never hurt you. I promise I would only love you and stay with you, to give my all to you.

I quickly rode the getaway car, with my luggage and other belongings inside the trunk, even if my hands were shaking. I was covered in his blood I had to change clothes and swiftly drive away.

I knew it would be my life's greatest regret. I had successfully unraveled the truth behind Shannon's death, but causing it to lose the person I learned to love pained my heart. I was mentally prepared for this, but my heart wasn't.


"How are you feeling today Sable? Were you able to talk to Sherwyne these past few days? How's school?" Marck's voice awakened me from being half asleep inside his clinic.

The clinic was neat and simple, it had the shade of pastel blue, making the patients feel relaxed and at peace; sleepy most of the times. He smiled at me. "Did you fall asleep waiting for me?"

I smiled back at him as I sat properly. "Sorry, your clinic just seemed so calming I fell asleep." He nodded. "Well, you showed great improvements Sable, so I don't think there's a need for regular sessions. How about... visiting me when you're feeling down?" He smiled.

I had an escape plan.

I went straight to the airport after the incident at the venue. I sent Ares a message, telling him where I left all evidences that would solve the case of Shannon's death, even Isabelle Park's. I kept everything, including the voice recording I had taken during my confrontation with Aliana. I entrusted everything to him and booked the earliest flight to Spain.

I went to the church to light up 2 white candles. I prayed wholeheartedly. I was only able to speak with Ares after a couple of days, then I learned of something dreadful.

"Apparently, Aliana shot her mom dead, before killing herself. Lucian Park also turned himself in, after finding out that Annabelle had left solid evidences against his acts. They were involved in a lot of cases; human trafficking, illegal gambling, drugs... the nasty stuffs a rich man would usually get involved in. He was devastated, knowing that his only son was shot and killed by a hired hitter. He was blaming himself for being careless and greedy."

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