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'Now, Wolf. I know you don't mea-'

'Hell no. I mean it. He started it, and if he's too scared to finish it I guess I'll have to.'

'Ok, Wolf listen. I'm going to give you one last chance to say you didn't mean it. Ok?'

'I'm not lying to you, man.'

'That's all I needed to hear. Alright.'

Dr TC made a note in his book and stood up to lock the door. He sat back down, poured himself a glass of water, and put his glasses back on.

'Now, Wolf. You've opened up a whole new door I legally need to walk through. We now need to explore where these thoughts are coming from. So, tell me.'

'Well, it all started with this girl named Sarah. Well that's not her fucking name, but I think this shit is clever' Wolf answered.

'No, Wolf. Deeper than that. Deeper than all the unnecessary stuff. Where did it begin.'

' father. He left my mother before I was born. It messed me up. Bad. Here, I wrote a song about it,' Wolf explained, beginning to pull a piece of paper from his back pocket.

'Oh, no that's fine we can look at that later. So, you believe your father is the reason you have these thoughts?'

'I've wanted to kill him as long as I can remember. For what he did to my mum...' Wolf stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes, 'but whatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Just let me go.'

'Unfortunately, I can't do that. You've made a threat against another camper. We have to keep you here until the police arrive. I'm sorry Wolf.'

And they did exactly that. The police came and took Wolf away. They took him to a large, stone building. Gargoyles lined the roof and the air felt heavy. They pulled Wolf out of the car and walked him in. Awaiting them at the door was Dr TC, this time dressed in a large lab coat.

'What the fuck? You were just at camp,' Wolf said, blatantly confused.

'Come along, we need to begin quickly.'

Wolf and Dr TC walked down a long hallway, eventually arriving at a room. In the room sat only two chairs and a water cooler. The two sat down in a chair each. Dr TC began to talk.

Wolf | Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now