The Christmas Present (Part One)

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Christmas Eve, 2012

I walked into my one-roomed apartment to find it completely empty. Where could he be? I walked all throughout the apartment to find him nowhere. Huh? Strange. I finally gave up looking for him and went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. There was a note. I picked it up to see it was from my boyfriend, Bert.

Dear Gerard,

I hate to do this to you, but I think it's time for us to move on. We've been having some troubles for quite some time now, and I think we need to brake up. I hate do this to you on Christmas Eve, but there was only one ticket left for the train going to Summit. I'm truly sorry, Gerard, but I think this is the way it needs to be. Merry Christmas.

With Love, Bert.

There was tears streaming down my face when I had finished the letter. How could he fucking do this to me?! It's Christmas Eve! I thought everything had been going fine?!

Well, I guess not.


Christmas Eve, 2014

I was heading out to the bar like I do every Christmas Eve when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I took it out to see it was my brother, Mikey.


"Hey, Gee!" Mikey said sounding happy.

"Hey, Mikes"

"Oh, Gee, you're not going to that bar again, are you?"

"Maybe I am Mikey. You should know by now, I go every year"

"You never used to..." Mikey said trailing off.

"Times change, Mikes, and I guess I've changed with it"

There was silence on the other end for what seemed like forever but Mikey finally spoke up.

"Merry Christmas, Gerard" And he hung up the phone.

I put my phone back in my pocket and pulled my leather jacket tighter around me. It was just the beginning of winter, but man it sure was cold.

I still had three blocks to go, when all of a sudden, it started snowing. Great.

I rounded the last corner of my walk, and entered the bar. I hung my jacket on the giant coat rack by the door, and made my way into the small crowd.

The bar wasn't as packed as it normally was on a normal day seeing as it was Christmas Eve. Just the lonely drunks. And I guess you could say I've turned into one of them.

After about an hour, I still hadn't gotten a drink and decided to go up to the bar.

When I got there, I didn't see the the usual bar tender, Ray. But what I did see, was a short man with black hair pouring another guys drink.

I took a seat at the bar and waited for him to come over. While I waited, I took another glance at the new tender.

I must have been staring for a while, because I heard someone cleared their throat next to me.

I turned back around on the stool to see who had cleared their throat. It was a woman.

"Hey" She said taking a sip from her martini.

"Um, hello?"

"I see you're here alone" She said twirling the end of her hair.

"Well, yeah...but...I'm gay..." I said turning back around in my stool.

I heard her gasp and walk off. Thank god.

I sat there twiddling my thumbs for another five minutes until someone appeared in front of me. It was the new bar tender. And holy shit, he was hot.

"Names Frank. I'll be your new bar tender for this month" He said with a slight, shy smile.

"Gerard" I said my face flaming up the color of my previous hair color.

"So what can I get you, Gerard?" Frank said wiping the counter around him.

"Uh, a Hurricane?"

Frank gave me a weird look, but proceeded to make the drink anyway.

A couple minutes later, a glass was set in front of me. I took a sip, and a small smile grazed across my lips. Frank grinned to, and left to take another persons order.


The bar was nearing its closing time, and everybody seemed to have gone home. Except for me, of course.

I had three Hurricanes (I think?) and I was feeling a might bit tipsy.

I was still sitting at the bar when Frank appeared in front of me again. He didn't say anything, just stood there gazing into my eyes.

He finally broke from his gaze and a slight blush came upon his face. I couldn't help but to blush also.


"It's time for closing, sir" Frank said trying to escort the last customer out. But for some reason, he didn't ask for me to leave. And I wasn't complaining.

Frank made his way back from the door, and as he passed me, he smirked.

I just stared at him as he disappeared into the back room. What could he possibly be doing?

What seemed about ten minutes later, Frank appeared from the back room. He had a big, heavy coat on, and kept smirking at me as he walked closer to me.

"Are you ready to go, Gerard?" He said as he approached me.

I didn't respond to the question he had asked me, but took his hand he was holding out for me.

We walked out of the bar and Frank locked the door behind us.

We kept walking, and honestly, I had no idea where he was taking me.

I didn't know whether to be excited or scared, because Frank still had that stupid smirk on his face. What was he planning?

I eventually became a little scared and jerked my hand away from his.

Frank turned around, and his smirk turned into light smile.

"Everything is going to be okay, Gerard. Trust me"

I still didn't say anything, and continued to follow him wherever he taking us.


Frank and I had arrived at a small apartment complex, witch I was assuming was his, and he took us up to the top floor.

We walked down the long hall of rooms until Frank stopped in front of one of them.

He turned around and smiled at me, and drug us both into the tiny apartment.

We didn't say anything once we got inside, but our intent gazes on each other pretty much said what we wanted.


A/N: Hello!! I hope you liked this! This will be in two parts, so don't freak out. I'm not sure when the next part will be up, but it will be up sometime before or after Christmas Day. Vote, your shit.

The Christmas Present (Christmas Frerard) (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now