Chapter 1. Stephanie Elizabeth Styles

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Harry's POV

I'm so tired of being alone. Of course I have my boys but I want come one to care for. I see our stylist Lou and his husband with my niece Lux and feeling such longing.

After fighting with the management I was finally given permission to adopt a child. So now all I had to do was pick out the child. So that is what I'm doing at the the children's orphanage.

I looked around at all of the kids and I notice a little girl sitting alone, playing with mega blocks. She had light brown skin and brown eyes and brown hair that was put up in two pigtails. I walked over to her and sat down next to her on the floor. She stopped playing with the mega blocks and stared at me.
(I know I don't have light brown skin or brown eyes in real life but in the story I do)

"Hello I'm Harry." I said. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Stephanie" She said shyly.

"Nice to meet you Stephanie." I said. "How old are you Stephanie?" I asked.

"Me four" She said holding up five fingers. I chuckle and put down one of her fingers. She just stared at the finger I put down like it was not real. A woman came up to us and smiled.

"Mr Styles can I talk to you for a second?" She asked. I nodded then told Stephanie I would be right back before walking to an office with the woman. She sat down besides a computer and rested her arms on the desk. I sat down across from her and waited for her to speak.

"Mr Styles I can see you are interested in young Stephanie but before you make a decision on wether you want to adopt her I wanted to inform you of Stephanie's past. I want to be perfectly clear that I am not trying to discourage you from adopting her. I would love for her to be adopted because she deserves it after what she has been through." She said.

"Ok so what happened to her?" I asked.

"Well Stephanie's mother died while giving birth to Stephanie and Stephanie's father blamed Stephanie for taking his wife away from him. He started to drink heavily and beat Stephanie physically. Let me sure you that he never raped her but he did use items to leave scars on her body. Mostly he back but there are some scars on her stomach and chest." She said. "It seem to be going on since she was 2 years old but already Stephanie has some issues with being touched by anyone that's male and she often has nightmares." She said 

"What kid of man does that to a child?" I said disgusted.

"I have no clue." She said. "Mr Styles, I strongly advise that you think hard on if you are willing to adopt a deeply scared child." She said.

"I have already decided to adopt her and nothing will change my mind." I said. She stared at me searching for the truth. After she found no trace of dishonesty she sighed and nodded before taking out some papers and setting them in front of me.

"Just sign here and she's all yours." She said. I signed the papers then we both stood up. We shook hands before I headed back out to where I saw her last to see her still there now playing with her Baby alive doll.

"Hey Stephanie how would you like to come home with me?" I asked.

"Are you gonna hurt me like my old daddy did?" She asked. I knelt down in front of her so we were eye level.

"I won't ever hurt you like your old dad did and I promise to protect you at all times." I said. She nodded and stood up. I picked her up and we left the orphanage to start our new life.

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