Chapter 3. Nightmares

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The song is What makes you beautiful by One Direction

Harry's POV

After we ate dinner I told her it was bath time and the look of pure terror made me want to go to the prison that the sick fucking bastard is in and punch him.

"Sweetie I will be right there the whole time I won't let you drown." I said.

"Promise?" She said wiping her tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. I nodded and took her hand. I lead her to the bathroom and turned on the water to a warm temperature before helping her get undressed. I held back a gasp as I see the scars that the lady at the orphanage talked about. I put the thought in the back of my mind as I put her in the tub. She tensed and looked up at me and with uncertainty. I smiled showing her that it was going to be ok. She relaxed and I leaned over and grabbed a bag of toys I bought and dump some in the tub. She smiled and started playing with the toys while I took out her pigtails to wash her hair.

"Lean your head back so I can pour some water in your hair." I said grabbing the plastic cup from the counter. She put her head back and I scooped some water from the tub and poured it over her hair then I grabbed the kids shampoo and pour some in my hand before working it into her hair and wash her body then rinsed her hair again before pulling the plug I stood up and picked her up out of the tub before grabbing her towel and wrapping her up in it

"Daddy I a burrito" She said laughing. I smile as she calls me daddy

"Yes princess you are a burrito. Are you a chicken burrito or a beef burrito?" I asked as I take her to her room

"Chicken Daddy" she said

"Of course you are" I said as she stared at her new room

"Is this my room daddy?" She asked

"Yes sweetie it is" I said putting her on her bed before going to her dresser to pick out some clothes I bought for her.

"Me not going to sleep with you daddy?" She asked

"You can tonight" I said helping her put her pajamas on. After that we left her room and went into my room. I laid her down and got in bed and covered ourselves with the blanket.

"Daddy can you read me a story please?" She asked

"Ok but say please" I said

"Ok. Pwease (please)" she said

"Ok good girl" I said . I told her a story of one direction but making us the princes and the girlfriends the princess's even making up a girlfriend for niall since he doesn't have one. Half way through the story she fell asleep. I turned off the light and fell into a deep sleep.

A scream woke me up in the middle of the night. I quickly turned on the lamp and turned to my screaming daughter. She was awake with tears running down her face. I picked her up, held her and started to soothe her.

"Shhh baby it's ok daddy's here" I said

"He came after me daddy" she said. I knew who she was talking about

"Your old daddy is in a place where he can never get out. He won't ever hurt you again." I said stroking her hair.

"Pwomise (promise)?" She asked making me chuckled

"Yes sweetie I promise" I said and we both laid back to sleep

I forgot to put a note at the beginning of the chapter so here it is. Hope you enjoyed it. Vote please

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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