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I jumped on one to foot to the other, feeling my hair bounce each time. We were now at the end of Mike's street with Lucas beside me. Max had told him the whole thing and he was just as angry as Max. Dustin tried to keep the peace but it just wasn't working.
"What's it going to be, Will?" Lucas said. I opened my mouth to speak but what could I say? There was so many thoughts running through my head. I almost felt like fainting.

****Mike's P.O.V****

"Oh my fairest princess.. I cannot live without you" My boredom was visible which made el irritable.
"Miiiiike!" She said almost angry
"You said you'd try this time! We've done this line 10 times already!" Her fists now in a tight ball but it was the least of my concerns. This whole stupid play she wanted to recreate made no sense! I didn't even want to be with her today! She just showed up at my front door when I wouldn't answer the phone! I thought since nobody was home I'd have time to think about it all.
"Couldn't we just do this another time?" I asked. El only furrowed her eyebrows and drew her arms closer to her side.
"You said we'd do this to make up your missed calls" she said through gritted teeth. I opened my mouth to respond but she put her hand up quickly to shut me up.
"Not another word, Mike. We do this scene and that's final." She said.
I sighed and began.
"Oh-" The doorbell rang before I could speak a word. A smile crept to my face and I made a run for it. I ran towards the livingroom and to the door without even thinking. My hand gripped and turned the knob in a swift movement before I could think. I just wanted to get away from her right now.
The door swung open, almost slapping me in the face, and there it showed four different faces. My smiled dropped and worry filled me.
   "I'll strangle you." Was the first thing Max said.
  "Nice to see you too." I mumbled.
Max was the second to be infront and  right next to her was Will and behind him was Dustin and Lucas who were obviously angry.
   "You remember what I said? Hurt him and I hurt you." Lucas said, his finger up and pointing towards me.
  "I-" I was quickly interrupted by Max, her cheeks as hot as day.
  "What is your problem?! Honestly. Is El not enough for you? Do you need someone else cradling you? Running after you with hearts in their eyes?" Max said, stepping closer.
I could see Will's obvious blush forming on his cheeks and his fingers circling each other. He wouldn't even look at me.
  "No! No! I wouldn't do that-"
  "Shut up! Just shut up, Mike! Have you once even consider how Will might be feeling or how El might feel? Do you ever think about someone else but you?!" Max pushed me hard enough to send me stumbling back. That's when El came at my defense, her hand up ready to do what she had too but Will jumped infront of Max. There was no time for me to speak up. El sent  both Max and Will back and onto the street. My eyes, widened as they both hit the concrete hard though Will had turned somehow to  break Max's fall.
"NO!! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" I shoved past El and ran out, following Lucas and Dustin who were just as frantic as I.
  "Oh god.." Dustin said as we all stopped infront of the two.. Max was sitting up, her eyes watering yet she wouldn't show it. Not entirety at least.  Though Will lay flat on the ground with his eyes shut. Dustin and Max sat him up quickly, calling his name out and shaking him.
  Max stopped soon after once she saw the back of his head.
  "Oh my fuck! OH MY FUCK CALL AMBULANCE!" Max yelled. Dustin looked at me for a second, angry yet desperate. I almost turned around but lucas grabbed me quickly by the shirt.
  "Lucas!" Dustin said
  "I didn't mean for this to happen." My voice trembled as I tried to look past him. I felt El's hand on my shoulder but I quickly shrugged it off and turned to her.
"Don't." I said and quickly turned away from her. Lucas was no longer looking at me but by Will's side with the Dustin and Max.
"Let me help-" I said
"NO! Go fuck off with El. Just go." Max said, her tears now slipping down her cheeks.
"I...I'm gonna call the ambulance" I ran back home, feeling like someone were holding my heart tight, like I couldn't breath. My guilt had already been bad but now it was worse. With trembling hands, I called the ambulance.

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