My Opinion on Wattpad's "Offline Story" Feature?

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I've been asked by several people to talk about this.

What's my opinion on Wattpad's offline story feature?

If you guys are unaware of what this is, Wattpad has recently introduced it to our libraries. We can still add stories to our library like we always have, but now we can select up to two stories that we can read offline, even when we aren't around WiFi. This is pretty handy for the folks who don't have WiFi readily available, because those guys can still read stories on here.

I've got unlimited data on my phone, so if I don't have WiFi, I don't have to worry about being offline. I've never had much of a need for this feature, if we're being honest.

I will say, I prefer how Wattpad was before this feature became a thing. I could see this feature becoming somewhat of a cash-grab, as it could easily become a paid feature in the future. Because of that, I'm not a huge fan of the limitations being put on the number of stories someone could read offline.

Then again, I'm also a strong believer in the slightly more old school Wattpad, from 2017 or so.

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