Chapter 6 - Wouldn't It Be Nice?

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Carol woke screaming, covered in sweat at 3 am. She was dreaming about that day again. It was 11 years ago, and she still had nightmares about it. She was shivering, she put on her hoodie and stood up. She walked into the bathroom and pushed back a stone plate on the roof. She lifted down a box and picked up her necklace. The pendant was of an old-fashioned key that she used to unlock the box. She slowly lifted the lid. 

Caroline lifted the old Polaroid pictures out if the box. They were yellow and faded from age. A young girl was swinging from her father's arm in one. Another had a mother and the girl smiling at each other. Another had the same little girl with 2 young boys, there were laughing, two women and a jolly-looking man stood smiling at the children.

As Caroline lifted the last photo out of the book she saw it. It was a shiny silver dagger. Studded with rubies, the Prewetts family crest in gold on the handle. She picked it up with shaking hands, a tear skid down her face. She cut her forearm slowly. Beads of blood came pouring out. She winced. The cuts took the pain away, they stopped her anxiety. They stopped her thoughts. She cut deeply, but no damage was done, she knew she was safe, she had been doing this for years.

Caroline looked down at the fresh cuts on her arm, she threw the knife down. She collapsed on the shut toilet and cried. She was exhausted and stumbled back into her bed and fell asleep.

She was woken by yells from the common room. She sat up at began to stretch. She quickly stopped, as a searing pain went through her arm. She glanced down. Dried blood clustered around the red on her arm, and her cuts were stinging. She had forgotten to clean her wounds. She picked up a shirt and dipped it in her water jug. She began dabbing her cuts, she winced, and it stung like crazy.

She could still hear the yells from downstairs. She grabbed her wand and wandered down. She didn't bother putting pants on, as her hoodie went down to her knees. She saw a glass get thrown across the room and smash. She jumped and hurried into the room. James was standing in a corner covering his face, Lily was screaming at him from across the room.

"what the hell! " Carol screamed over them, Lily swung around.

"Lil's, what are you doing here? " Carol asked confused.

"Well, I was going to do a traineeship with McGonagall, but there is no way in hell I am staying here with That Loathsome disgusting excuse for a man" she cried out gesturing towards James.

"EVANS, you crazy, you nearly killed me! " James roared. "I'd be willing to forgive it if you went on a date with me," he said, trying to diffuse the situation. Lily threw a chair at him, he ducked out of the way.

"Potter. You know next term I was going to suggest we be friends and get closer because I thought that I may be starting to like you! But, no one will ever love a dick-headed son of a bitch, piece of shit, fucker like you! You wonder why I won't go out with you, well maybe just look at yourself and realize that no one will ever want to get close to you. You are a horrible person, and I don't know what the Marauders see in you! " Lily nearly had tears in her eyes. James stood there stunned, and upset.

Lily turned to Carol who was standing dazed.

"well? " Lily huffed looking at her. "are you with me. Or him? " she said. Carol looked between them. She sighed and took a step towards James.

"fine! " Lily said hurt and ran out.

"James? What happened I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over her, I'm here if you need me" she said walking over to him, he pushed her away.

"why would I need you? We aren't friends, you don't even know me. Just piss off would you" he began to walk away then turned to her. It was too late. She ran off upstairs crying.

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