Chapter 7 - Stupid Cupid.

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None of the hundreds of romance novels Linny had read prepared her for what to do after a kiss. In her books there had always been a jump in time, nothing happened directly after the kiss. And nothing she read told her what to do during her first kiss. Her mind was running a million miles an hour, and she didn't know how long the kiss lasted, or how long they were silent after.

As far as she knew, it was James's first kiss too. He had the faint taste of tobacco like he had smoked a cigarette the night before. For 6 sweet seconds, she allowed herself to be absorbed in the scent of his cologne and forgot about everything.

But she was back in reality, and she needed to think of something to say: stat. She thought of when Alice was telling everyone about her first kiss with Frank. What had she said? 'it was magical and we just got swept up in the moment, we just knew what to do'.

"Uug. Stupid Alice, why does she have to be so romantic and cute" she mentally cursed. "think. What does James like? Uum, strawberries, quidditch, ooh, what did Remus and Sirius say? " she thought. She remembered the morning at breakfast when the marauders were joking around.

"I heard that each group has different roles," Peter said taking a third piece of toast.

"Well, in that case, I'm the bad-arse older brother who is such a rebel." James was leaning back in his chair looking at Lily, who was staring at her tea ignoring him.

The other marauders laughed. "Nah you're the mum"

"What! " he said outraged.

"Prongs, you are a hopeless romantic. You got a crush on strawberry shortcake. And, you carry our shit everywhere" they laughed. . "not to mention the fact that you planned your wedding. You have a scrapbook" James had never blushed so much.

She could work with that. Romance was her thing, now if she could unfreeze herself and be a Gryffindor. She felt herself blushing as the moment ended, and the awkwardness set in. He looked at her slightly panicked, willing her to say something.

"geez. OK may have misread that situation " James said running his hand through his hair.

"no. Uum, but I am socially awkward, and yeah... " Linny was playing with her necklace.

"I guess we don't know that much about each other"

Linny looked up. "I have an idea. What's your favorite thing? " she asked.

He looked at her "Drinking with the boys" he flicked his coat collar up casually. Something wasn't right. He didn't have the spark in his eye, or his lips weren't slightly upturned like he was fighting off a grin.

"try again," she said. He held her gaze for a moment then dropped it. "C'mon James, what gives you joy every time you do it? What do you do when you are angry or sad, or happy? What's always there waiting for you?" she surprised herself. When did she get inspirational?

"quidditch," he said smiling at her.

"your such a dork" she laughed.

"sod off. What about you? What is your quidditch?" he took a step closer to her. Halving the distance between them. She tried not to notice.

"drawing and painting," she said, it took all her willpower not to look at his lips.

"I didn't know you painted. What's this idea then? " he sounded so English. After her parents abandoned her, her aunt took her and moved to Ireland. As she was so young she picked up the accent and it never dropped.

She still pronounced 'thought' as 'tought' and 'think' as 'tink'. Her family was originally from Ireland so she was raised to be fluent in Gaelic, which she used when she was cursing. It annoyed her so much that she couldn't shake her accent.

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