The Hermit

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It was a cold, windy day. Despite the sun being out, it was almost like there was no warmth to collect in my black sweater and dormpants. I sighed. waiting on the bus was a pain. I was on my way back to my dorm after finding out one of the best deals ever ( a bamboo fun tablet pen for only $44.00! ) was already sold despite my reservation of the item. I looked around and the closest warm and public place I could see that wasn't too weird was a coffee shop.

I like my coffee like I like my football players. I don't like football players.

"I guess it's better to suffer the smell of coffee than stand out her in the cold." I mumbled to myself. I shuffled over to the door and used most of my strength to open the door and quickly scurried in. 

The door its self wasn't hard to push, I'm just weak.

I took a booth seat and shivered as my body thawed. "Gah." I said as I shook like a bird when it recoils inward. I heard a chuckle and looked in the direction of the source. I saw a handsome but rather awkward looking, possibly Korean, guy sitting at another table and drinking a latte. He was in a leopard print cardigan and black beanie. I was barely able to see his face before he looked quickly away, but I was pretty sure he wore glasses. I rolled my eyes and went back to staring off into space while I waited for the bus.
"H-HOLY SHIT IT'S COLD!" I heard a voice say and a door close. I saw a familiar face. It was one of my sort of 'friends', Jenny. She saw me and quickly scrambled over to a familiar person. "Waiting on the bus too?" I asked
"Yup!" she snuggled up to me for warmth like a kitten. I had befriended her soon after I'd gotten into college. I was out with my older sister and some of her friends at a dorm party when we met. I didn't talk to her at all at first. but soon a familiar song started to play, Studio Killerz "Jenny", and I heard her laugh a little. I had asked her what was funny I she said that it was ironic because her name was jenny and she was bisexual. I commented saying I was also bi and that I loved the band. We kind of hit it off from there.
"Say Jenny, do you know who that guy is over there?" I asked poking her nose then pointed to the guy I assumed was the one that laughed at me. "Uuuuh..." she paused and looked, " Looks like 'The Hermit'."
"The Hermit?"
"Yeah. Um, there's a thingy about him." she paused again to think," Like something about him being really smart but, like, really anti-social. He doesn't go out much, or so I've heard." then she sneezed.

Oh yeah.... I've heard of him, or over heard about him. he's known as the "Campus Hermit" or "The Awkward Intellect". No doubt that he was practically a genius but he never really came to class or anywhere else unless it was required for a grade. He would usually have he work sent to his dorm or have someone pick it up for him. But thinking about some of his titles I would have expected someone like Dr. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory or Carl from Dog with a Blog... Not really..well...that. Not that that was bad, but he didn't come off as super genius hermit; socially awkward at best.

"Have you ever talked to him?" I asked.
"Nah. No one really does." she replied, "Oh! hHave you signed up for an extracurricular activity yet?"
"Ah shit. Nope :|" I said.
"Let's look over what's still available and sign up together!" she was rather enthusiastic. She knew I liked my solitude as well but it WOULD be more fun to do it with a friend if I had to do something I rather disliked. "Yeah, okay." I said. I was too cold and too tired to be super quirky.
As we heard the bus pull up, we scuffled over each other and raced to the door. I heard another chuckle before I passed the threshold of the door and I turned to look at him, catching a legitimate glimpse of him before he had a chance to look away again. I felt like I was shitting figurative bricks after being metaphorically pierced by his really, REALLY cerulean eyes. I think he might have been wearing color contacts, but if he was then it would have been kind of counter productive with his glasses. But I didn't have time to ask him. I gunned it to the bus before the doors closed.

The next day wasn't any better, but less windy. Jenny and I headed to the college advisatory to see what was left. There was: taking care of the elderly, community service, filing paperwork at a boring list of offices, aaaaand an apprenticeship or something like that for a scientist thing, I can't remember the details... Jenny and I signed up for that since the other options weren't better. It started tomorrow at 8... am... well, I like I said, I was better than the others. At least that was over. Since we didn't have anything better to do, we decided to go ahead and head over to where we were going to spend our free time during the weekends. It wasn't super big but it wasn't small either.
"Not bad. " I said as we walked in and informed the lady at the front as to why we where there. She sent us back. We met a guy who definitely came off as a white collar kind of guy, funny considering he was wearing a white lab coat. We re-told why we were there.
"Ah, more apprentices. Welcome!" he said warmly. " I wish you were all here, but I suppose we can go ahead and assign positions. Oh sorry, I mean we have one more in your group but no worries."

okay... so he wasn't so bad.

"Anyway, um, Jenny is it?" he asked
"Yes?" she asked.
"You can be paired with me, oh we'll be working in groups by the way, sorry for not saying before, and you Mrs. Sarah, with be working with our missing student. Hopefully you won't be working alone tomorrow."
"Yeah...What's his name by the way?" I asked
"Ji Yong Kim." he said.
I didn't recognize the name so I just said good day then jenny and I left to waste away while watching Youtube on the wifi at our dorm.

Oh, we're roomates by the way. how convenient, right?

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