The Gentleman

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"It's Ashley Timberland's birthday bash!" jenny exclaimed informing me of the party.
"ew." I replied. " I know you don't like her but come on! it's a chance to get free stuff!" she replied. hikaru nodded. I sighed. she did have a good point.

Ashley Timberland was one of those preppy rich kids that always had a big blowout every year on their birthday and invite everyone so they can rub there money in everyone's faces. however sometimes they gave out free guest giftbags. Ashley was one of them too. atleast she wasn't the queen of the school... just cheer captain.

"when is it?" I asked brushing hikaru's powder blue hair. "Just a day or two away. you better get your best outfit out. I hear there will be a lot of cuties there too." jenny winked. the next day after I went to some of my classes and finished some assignments, I sat with jenny at the cutest cafe we had discovered. it was no "Mr. Chau's" but it was so adorable, covered in pastel and adorned with decora decorations; heh, hikaru and the building match!
"are you going to go back and study with Ji yong?" hikaru asked as he sipped some sweet tea. "yeah, but later. I wanna enjoy this. we hardly hang out anymore." I said eating a doughnut. "hey, what about me? we hang out all the time!" jenny jokingly protested. "exactly! I hardly ever see hikaru anymore!" I laughed. "let's make a toast." said hikaru raising his cup, "may you get better grades and not get kicked out and to the hope of finding a relationship at the party."
"here, here." Jenny and I said as we raised out glasses in unison and we all colided thenm together in the middle like one might, making them clank, then took a good gulp of our drinks.

I looked at the time and sighed, "I guess I'll be going then. I said I was going and I am." hikaru stood up and said, "let me escort you, I need to back for something anyway." "see you later." waved jenny, her mouth half full with food. we threw away our trash and headed to dorm block C. in the enterance hall, hikaru and I went our separate ways for the time being, and I knocked on Ji yong's door. he did as he had before with peeking threw the crack of the door to see who it was. he let me in and I sat on the bed, sort of ready to do more math. as he was grabbing the book I noticed the oh-so-familiar invitation evelope on his desk. "are you going to her party?" I asked as he scooted over in his desk chair with the book open to the page we left of last time. "no. it's just a tedious and pettie waste of time." he said in a monotone and moved the book over to being the session. "well I'm going. I would like it if you went too." I said looking at him.
he sighed. "if I say that I will go can we start the session?" "promise me you will!" I childishly demanded. I decided that being so uncomfortable was tiring, so I just forced myself to be myself. he sighed deeply, "very well--" he took my arm in a mideval friendship grip, looked me straight in the eyes, which kind of made me blush, and said in a serious tone, "I promise I'll go to the party." "o-okay. that's ac-c-ceptable." I said flustered from physical contact. he quickly retracted, realizing it was distracting me, and went back to the book.

at the end of another 5 hour session, I laid back on my back again against his bed as he put up the book. I started to think on the promise. why did he do that? he could've just said that he promised... I thought as I stared at the ceiling. "hey Ji yong, why did you mideval friendship grip me?" I asked as I looked over at him. "you seem to take things like promises seriously. I felt that it was approperiate." he said and turned to me. next thing I know he'd gone and stuck another gold star on my forehead. "did I do good?" I said in a failed attempt at being adorable baby voice with a fake lisp as I sarcastically acted cute by poking my finger against my cheek. "yes." he said going along with it which quickly doused my act. after a while of staying there he looked at me and asked, " why are you still here?"
"what do you do for fun?" I asked staring at the cieling.
"you're avoiding my question." he responded.
"answer my question and I'll answer yours." I replied back.
"equations." he said.
"I've got nowhere better to be." I rebutled, "but surely there are other things you like to do."
"experiments." he replied.
"of what kind?" I asked curious.
"scientific, psychological, social.... you get the idea I assume." he said stopping.
"I guess I'll go now then. I hope you actually do come." I said as I left.

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