The Lover

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ever since Ji yong and I started dating, he's been by my side most of the time. most people would probably find it clingy, but I think it's sweet; him and his cute smile~. Ji yong was a year ahead of me, and his freshman year had ended, so he was looking for an apparment. he was trying to find one close to my dorm so he wouldn't be too far away. During one of the times that he wasn't with me because of his apparment hunting, Jenny and I were hanging out at Mr. Chau's. "ugh, he's been punctually never-ending ever since you two started to date. what has it been? a year at least?" jenny groaned while drinking a watermelon ramenade.  
"I think he's sweet." I replied eating some almond pocky.
"has he even kissed you yet? like officially on the lips?" she asked surely.
"yes." I retaliated.
"have you done anything else?" jenny smirked with a devious look.
I smacked her arm playfully, "nooooo. Ji yong's not like that. he's actually decent."
"have you asked him about it?" she asked, still smirking.
"well.... no." I replied, slumping back in my chair a bit.
"every guy thinks about it at one point or another." she replied, triumphantly taking a sip of her drink, "maybe you should."
I bit my lip; I'm not saying it never crossed MY mind, but I can never fully tell what goes on in ji yong's head. the violent vibrating of my phone startled me. it was a text from Ji yong: " I found the perfect one. will you help me move?"
"sure. where's the adress?" I texted back.
he sent me the address which I relayed to jenny as to where it was placement wise. aparently it was just a few blocks away. after finishing half my pocky I was about to leave when jenny said, "what cha wanna do for your birthday?"
"hm? I dunno. what we usually do I guess."
"what is Ji yong going to do?"
"it was just a couple of weeks away though...."
"I know..."
I left for his appartment. when I got there, he was standing outside eating a pineapple flavored popcicle, his golden specticles glistening in the sunlight, as he stood at the doorway, possibly waiting for me. he smiled, his glasses pushing up a little from his cheeks as he turned in another one of his super baggy tank tops that exposed his tattoos. I walked over at him, requiting the smile. I picked up a box and he gestured me to follow him. just the inside of the building hallway was a bit shifty with everything looking retro, being manilla-tinted, and smelling of and elder lady's musty bathroom. the elevator didn't look very stable with it's rusted, dimond pattern gate. but I continued to follow him into it. he pressed the 4 button and the elevator moved with a startling screak. it jolted a little and moved up; I stayed close to ji yong. with another lighter jolt it stopped at another opening and he opened the gate. I continued to follow him down the hall and to a door with the number "412" on a small, dark blue metal name plate on the door. he pulled out a rustic, metal skeleton key and unlocked the door. aside from the renevations that no doubt had to have been made, the inside of the apparment didn't look that it had changed at all from the late 1800's with it's creaky wooden floors, chipped, peeling paint, dusty, velvet, button furniture, and crystal doorknobs but there was a welcoming, nostalgic air to it some how. the scent of lavander mint emited from every corner; it smelt like ji yong. after going back and forth with the last of the boxes and unpacking a couple of things, I saw a cello sat in it's stand. it was the sleek, black one you'd seen him play before in the music hall. "ji yong?" I called. he walked in behind me.
"could you play something for me?" I asked smiling at him. he modestly smiled and pulled up a seat for the both of us. I sat infront of him and he sat next to the cello. he picked it up, grabbing the bow next to it, and started a slow heart-throbbing song. I thought it sounded familiar and it took me a while to realize the song, but then it hit me; it was the cello part from the song Requited from Homestuck. he looked so focused and pure as he played. I closed my eyes and let my self get emersed in the melody, my mind being caressed by his music. after five minutes the song had come to an end. before I came back to reality, I saw ji yong just a centimeter or two away from my face. he had a soft smile, then kissed my forehead. "my birthday's only a few days away." I reminded him.
"I know." he said lightly pecking me on the lips before he turned back to finish unpacking, making me blush. I wonder if he knows what he does to me? 

after helping him unpack, I decided to go back to my dorm and come up with something to do on my birthday. as I reach the the ground floor there's an elderly lady sunk into the retro, sherbert orange,  couch with the brown, yellow and white, ringlette knit cover decorating the middle top cushion, ironically knitting. she looked up from her knitting needles and smiled, "why hello there sweetie. what can I do for you?" she asked as her livid, pasley shaw shifted when she rested her hands on her lap. "oh, I was just helping my ....boyfriend, move some of his stuff." I replied; I always got a little embaressed when I called him that. "oh, so you're Ji yong's girlfriend. you're more pretty than what I imagined. he spoke quiet fondly of you." she chirped.
"oh, thank you." I said with a meek smile. I wasn't used to being called pretty, not even from Ji yong who used the word quiet profusely, probably aware of the fact that I have low self-esteem. "you're welcome sweetie. where are you going?" she asked. "I'm just going to my dorm back on campus. it's my birthday in a couple of weeks." I replied. "oh, well happy birthday sweetie. I hope to see you again soon. be safe." she said and went back to her knitting. "thank you, you too." I replied before leaving. 

two weeks later, it was the day of my birthday. I hadn't really come with anything interesting for my birthday and jenny wasn't of any help. it seemed to be the only day that I hadn't gotten a ton of messages from Ji yong. seemed like today was going to be a more boring day than usual. it seemed only one person congradulated me on my birthday which was my favorite professor, professor glacia. I didn't even get so much as a happy birthday from jenny! of all people! I feel a little like jenny might be up to something, or at least hoping, but if it was the case it would be more obvious since jenny is a horrible liar. 

around seven thirty pm, I got a knock on the door. it was Ji yong. "Hey, I wanted to show you my apparment again since I finished unpacking." he said.
"oh, okay." I replied, trying not to sound let down.
he took my hand and led me there. I clung like a trapped cat to ji yong while we go up to his floor. "I want you to open the door." he said. I did as he said, not really thinking that there was something to it. as soon as I turn the lights on, everyone said, "SURPRISE!" with jenny and cherri popping streamer cones. I was standing there stunned. ji yong wrapped his arms around my neck from the side and said, " happy birthday baby." he said and kissed my cheek, his glasses pushing up a little from that. after he let go, I went up to jenny and asked," did you know about this?" to which she replied, "of course." and I then playfully smacked her arm. after mingling a little, I took center stage on the couch and ji yong brought out the cake while everyone sang happy birthday. the candles were lite and I closed my eyes to make a wish. I wish....I wish that everything will work out well. and, if it's possible, maybe stay with ji yong? because so far he's the most decent guy I've met. I pleaded to the universe to grant my wish and then blew out all the candles. we ate cake and all the other typical party stuff like opening gifts and party games. it was almost ten o'clock before the party ended. everybody but me left, because I wanted to help clean up. after sweeping up the streamers, confetti, and threw away the trash, I sat back down on the couch. ji yong sat beside me and then handed me a small, black, flip box. I smiled taking it and opening it. "I hope you like it." he said as I did. it was a small, silver looking locket. "ji yong! I love it!" I hugged him. "let me put it on you." he offered. I took the necklace out of the case and he clipped it around my neck. "there's one other gift I want to give you." he whispered into my ear. when he came back to face me, he took my chin and kissed me deeply. after pulling away he had a soft expression and caressed my hair. "j-ji I-I wanted to talk to you about something..." I said a bit flustered. "sure. what is it?" he replied. "well, I-I'm kind of experiancing a 'physical chemical reaction' to be honest a-and.... we've been together for a year...." I trailed off embaressed. "you want to have coitus?" he chuckled lightly.  my face turned red from what he just said. his playful smile faded and he took off his glasses, setting them on the coffee table in front of us, then passionately kissing me again. 

I'd rather not go into detail because it gets a bit personal >//-//> but let's just say I woke up next to him in nothing but his bed sheets. 

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