The Viper's Den

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Toga's POV
Lately our quirks hadn't been effective on the heroes but I knew someone who could change that, I finally knew something the others didn't. I just didn't know where that 'someone' currently was.

Riku had gone into hiding after she finished her 'bad girls' school then vanished but I had put a tracker on her phone so maybe I could find her using that? It only works if she has her phone on her.

I didn't really care if the others came with me or not, she was the only one who knew her way around poisons and potions without getting it wrong. I didn't even really need her, just the book and ingredients she kept then I could do it myself.

I checked my phone seeing her location hadn't changed for awhile, she was in some abandoned warehouse, probably setting it up as a lab or something to assist her.

I left through the back door feeling followed but it didn't matter. Riku's quirk was that she controlled blood, that's why she has two large scars on her wrists, she used to use her own blood as a weapon. I've only used her form once but I was expected to know a lot of chemistry and science. That's too much pressure.

In a shop window, I could see Dabi, Shigaraki and twice all trailing behind me suspiciously. If they wanted to tag along, they could but this just felt weird! I kept walking before I came to stand outside the warehouse

"What are you hiding, 'crazy'?" I glanced at Dabi who looked concerned about what the building would hold "Riku" they all gave me a confused look but as soon as I stepped inside, I could see my twin wasn't here to set up a business.

There was a chain draped across the floor connected to a loop in the concrete, I noticed the metal slowly stretching out showing that whatever was on the other end was trying to get away "it's me? Himiko?"

I wandered closer to see my sister's knife lying shattered into shards on the floor revealing signs of struggle, this was not the 'Viper' I recalled or grew up with. They'd truly broken her.

"P-please go" a weak voice could be heard from the shadows "Riku?" I picked up the chain as the three men watched uselessly before tugging on it, it tugged back with less force

"I don't have the book, Himiko. That's what you came for isn't it? They took everything and vanished. I can't help you so just go" she clearly had given up on our quirk and sibling relationship.

From the shadows emerged two amber eyes resembling my own "I want to help!" I could barely see her but she seemed frail and fragile as she leaned against the wall for stability

"That's 'Riku'? That's what we came here for?" Riku was putting on a harsh exterior like how she used to be but since school, I heard she's a whole lot sweeter.

"How sweet! You brought company to their disappointment...I'm sorry but I can't aid you even if I wanted to, you're wasting your time" she went to turn back and walk away but I yanked the chain causing her to fall towards me with her cuffed hands outstretched.

The light shone on her dimly but it was enough to see she'd been trying to escape, she had cuts and slices covering her arms and parts of her torso. She must've been using the shards.

I gestured for her to come closer but she refused shaking her head "if you help me, I'll owe you then I have to help you, I thought I made it clear I wanted to stay neutral?" I gave her an innocent face as I playfully pulled the chains again bringing her stumbling feet closer to me as I ignored everyone else in the room.

The cuts on her body were deep but if she did it anytime soon, they would scar over "Dabi..." He had his hands shoved in his pockets "not a chance! We don't know her, she's probably in those for a reason! We don't even know if she's safe to be around!"

I stormed up to him "I do! She's my sister!" I heard Riku mutter something "no, it's okay Himiko. Smart, smarter than the last guys anyway. I get it, I have to prove I'm not gonna burst your veins as soon as I get these off? It's completely understandable...but another question you could ask is how can I defend myself from you?"

Twice had snuck up behind her but by the look on her face, she knew he was there. Within a second, she had the chain coiled around his neck living up to the name 'Viper'

"I'll make a trade maybe? My freedom for his life? Or, here's a deal, you might need to restrain Himiko for this, I'll get you Midoriya if you set me free?"

I immediately started tugging at Dabi's jacket begging him to free her "whatever" I watched with delirious eyes as his hands clamped on the chain and melted the iron "thanks, bye!" I watched as she stumbled towards the door "where are you going?" I hurried after her "I'm going to get my property back while these are still warm, then maybe you can have the book?"

Riku's POV
I watched as Himiko's face lit up like a struck flare, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything but I needed to get out of there, get my 'cook book' and then find my way out of helping them.

That tall guy was smart but I guess my sister was just a little too much for him...good times. The first reason I was sent off to a school for 'troubled girls' was because of my quirk, my parents thought I was force feeding Himiko blood which I never did...ever!

Then I started getting rebellious to spite them proving that they couldn't handle me and apparently neither could my teachers. When I glanced back, they all had their arms folded scowling like small children "sorry, but I've got places to be. That book has the stuff you need in it, but thank you for saving me"

My hands were still bound together but at least they were no longer attatched to the floor where I'd been stuck for days.

I didn't care about the gashes in my arms, and I definitely wasn't about to tell then I'd been given a drug that temporarily stops me using my quirk for a few days.

People say when I don't have my quirk, or if I'm in a situation I can't do anything about - I get cocky but the truth is, I'm a nervous wreck.

I only made it a few more streets before collapsing to the floor in exhaustion "damn it!" I sat against the wall regaining my energy but the second I closed my eyes, I could see all the things they'd said to me before they'd left me there in the warehouse.

I only made it a few more streets before collapsing to the floor in exhaustion "damn it!" I sat against the wall regaining my energy but the second I closed my eyes, I could see all the things they'd said to me before they'd left me there in the w...

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I struggled to stand again as I saw Himiko and her squad coming down the street now towards me "Riku, where are you going?!" I chuckled darkly "no where apparently"

I glanced at the dark mark on my arm where I was filled with the 'quirk stunner' "where's the 'cook book'?" I glanced down the street "the big boys got it, decided to ditch me cause I'm a girl. Dumb mistake, why don't you go ahead and get it for me? I'll let you keep it? I was planning to skip town anyway"

A nervous look creased her sweet face "you always were the better villain, 'toga'" my head rolled back as muttering filled the air and everything faded into black.

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