Chapter 2

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The years following my Grandma's death were filled with confusion and pain. My parents tried to wade through their feelings while Alejandro and I attempted to understand Grandma's warning. We spent hours pouring over her Bible and talking about our family, but we never made any progress. Time began to wear Alejandro down and soon he began to deny the whole thing.

"Look, Adelina. I think we imagined it. We were sad, it was the middle of the night. I don't think it happened."

"But Alejandro, she was there. She was warning us. We need to figure out why." My voice trembled.

"Warning us against what? She could have told us more. And if we were really in danger, shouldn't mom and dad know? They obviously don't know anything."

"Maybe she couldn't tell us more. Maybe something was stopping her."

Alejandro sighed. "Lina. I don't know anymore. I just don't know. It's been three years and we've made no progress. The more I think about that night, the more uncertain I am about what happened. It was the middle of the night and we were grieving. She was taken away from us so suddenly, maybe we just really wanted to have a chance to say good-bye, so we created this situation. I am so sorry that we lost Grandma, and I'm sorry that you can't seem to get over your grief. When you're ready to talk about it, I will listen. But I think I just need to let this go." His shoulders slumped over and he slowly turned and wandered away.

I wanted to scream at him, tell him to listen, show him the necklace she gave me. But I couldn't. He had never bothered to ask why Grandma wanted to talk to me alone. Knowing Alejandro, he wanted to respect my space and secrets. I should do the same. Maybe one day he would come to his senses and agree with me, something did happen that night.

My fingers fiddled with the ornate charm on the silver chain, rubbing the smooth ruby that decorated its core. Tears clouded my eyes and my chest tightened. I needed some space, some air. The house was starting to feel claustrophobic. Quickly, I walked down the stairs and through the house, pushing open the backdoor. The day was giving way to night as the sun slid below the horizon and the air began to cool. I wandered towards the back gate and took a seat beside the giant tree that Grandma once stood in front of.

She was here that night. She stood in front of this very tree, hugging us and trying to provide guidance. Alejandro did have a point though; she could have given us more details and if we really were at risk, someone else should know. We're just kids, what are we supposed to do if there was a problem?

Maybe it was all just a dream, maybe I should just let it go and drop it. Doubt and confusion were mounting in my mind. Seconds ago I was sure Grandma had been here, but Alejandro had planted that seed of doubt.

The air suddenly became colder, my breath coming out in little clouds.

"She told you."

I jumped up and gasped. A tall dark figure stood in front of me, his features blending in with the night.

"Who – who are you?" I sputtered nervously. My back was met with the strong tree, nowhere to run.

"Now, now. I'd be breaking my promise if I were to hurt you." His tone was cool, neither comforting nor threatening. His presence brought the chill, but with it, the warmth of familiarity. I knew him, he was with Grandma that night. This brought me a level of comfort that I couldn't fight, so I settled back down onto the ground.

"She told me many things." I whispered, unsure of what else to say.

Crouching down to my level, He whispered, "And one of those was to not trust anybody, even your brother."

My head snapped up, looking directly into His eyes. They were black; blacker than the night, blacker than anything I've seen before. The only thing that contested the darkness of His eyes was His hair. Thick and long, it hung in shadowy tendrils over His shoulders. All this darkness, yet His face was pale, soft, smooth; a stark contrast to His eyes. I stared at Him for eternity, struggling against my instinct to scream. He didn't look like anyone I knew or want to know. I felt scared but still comforted by his presence. My mind and heart were so conflicted lately.

"Your brother is trying to get ahead of you. He's learning on his own. Why do you think he's working so hard to make you doubt your memories? When you finally leave this in the past as he's suggested, he'll be free to do as he wishes." He raised His eyebrows and smirked.

I scowled. "He's my brother, we tell each other everything."

He shrugged, "Maybe you tell him everything, but he doesn't tell you everything."

"He would never backstab me like that. You don't know him. And he has a point, it was years ago, our memories were swayed by grief. We could have easily imagined it. If he feels better leaving it in the past, then that's his decision. Maybe I should follow." My tone was becoming defensive. Maybe this man was familiar, but Alejandro was my brother and this stranger was attacking his character.

"No, I don't know him. But I do know that you have no reason to doubt yourself, your Grandma was here, and you must listen to her."

"But I don't even know what she wants me to do!" I threw my arms up into the air. I was getting fed up with all this obscurity.

He burst out laughing. "As long as I've known your Grandma, she's never been very forthcoming. The woman with all the secrets we used to say. But maybe you should start with your family history, didn't she say that was important?"

I glared angrily at him. "Don't laugh at me. I'm not a complete idiot.". Then I frowned. "How long have you known my Grandma?"

"That's not important. However, I'm not supposed to be interacting with you like this."

"Why? What do you mean?"

"I'm a guardian, not a teacher. You just looked a little lost, and it's very important that you stay on track."

"Oh, well, thank you for your help then. You won't get in trouble, will you?"

He laughed again, a deep, hearty sound. "No sweetheart, I will not get in trouble. I think I would be in more trouble if you got distracted."

He gave a quick smile and shrug, before standing and quickly turning around. The second before He vanished, I noticed the long, angel shaped wings protruding from His jacket. The feathers were an inky black and glinted in the moonlight with a metallic sheen. He was gone a second later.

I sat under the tree for several moments, thinking over the conversation I just had. He was a stranger, obviously dangerous. But I was safe around Him and I was sure of it. I could trust him, couldn't I? And why would He be in trouble if I didn't learn what Grandma wanted me to?

He played a part in all of this, but it would be quite some time before I figured out how He fit in. Until then, I needed to be careful, around everyone. 

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