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Lucas sighed heavily as he got out of the limousine he'd been stuffed into for a three-hour car ride with an all-powerful pureblood. They had sat in silence most of the time, but the last thirty minutes of the ride was Kaname Kuran briefing him on what Cross Academy was and how it was a very safe place for him.

He had nothing with him when he got out. A vampire maid was waiting by the car for them. She went to the trunk of the car to grab bags that weren't there. Kuran stopped her kindly, seeing the frown deepen on Lucas' face. He had nothing. There was nothing for her to get.

"Headmaster Cross is waiting for us," Kuran said in that soft tone of his. In the three days that Lucas had known him, the vampire always had a thoughtful, yet serene, look on his handsome features. And he had that same expression now.

"Of course, he is," Lucas muttered. He shoved his hands in his pockets and followed behind Kuran as he led the way.

Cross Academy was in full swing of the day. As they walked through a courtyard, girls swooned and whispered, all of their eyes glued to Kuran. After a couple of seconds of swooning and pining for Kuran's attention, the girls realised he wasn't alone, and it was Lucas' turn to be gawked at. Annoyance flared up in him when he heard the incessant hiss of whispers buzzing in his sensitive ears.

Lucas had to resist the urge to cover his nose and mouth in disgust when they entered the building. It had nothing to do with the physical state of it. The inside was rather quite beautiful and well-kept. Cross Academy was a prestigious school in Japan, and it kept up a rather western appearance. The decor inside reminded Lucas of the time his mom made him go with her to England and they had stayed with some Marquis or other in his 'family' home that had similar decor and extravagance.

But the inside of the building had the heavy stench of angst-ridden, stressed-out teens all compiled into one building. That was something he most definitely didn't miss on his forced year-long hiatus from school. Of course, he couldn't smell it before. The angst and the stress was just a feeling, like a heavy, soaking wet blanket hovering above them all, trapping them beneath the teen angst humidity.

He would rather have the feeling than the smell that was assaulting his nose. He had stayed away from humans as much as he possibly could in the last year because everything about them made his senses amplify in an almost painful way. His emotions were thrown out of whack and he would oftentimes find himself getting very temperamental around them.

"Ah! Mister Alviso," Kaien Cross greeted warmly when Kuran knocked on the headmaster's door and got an invitation to come.

Lucas felt out of place in the room with the three other people. The headmaster sat behind his desk in comfortable looking clothes, but, along with Kuran, there were two other people dressed in school uniforms. Though Kuran's was white and the other two students' was a dark blue.

Lucas, on the other hand, wore a pair of black skinny jeans he'd stolen from a shopping centre in France, a torn jumper he'd had since he was fourteen that barely fit him, and old skating shoes that were falling apart. He had cleaned up in the hotel he and Kuran had stayed in, had his clothes washed, but had refused a new outfit because it all made him uncomfortable. Now he wished he had taken the kind offer.

He looked very much like the street kid he had been for the last year.

"I was relieved when Kuran found you," Headmaster Cross said with a smile. "I was sorry to hear about your mother's reaction to what happened to you."

Lucas frowned and averted the kind eye contact Cross was trying to give. "Yeah. So was I."

"I'm sorry it took us six months to find you. I had hoped the search would have ended months ago when we got word you were in Spain but—"

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