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"My last boy had such pretty brown eyes, too."

Lucas' face scrunched up in disgust at the hand that caressed his cheek and he shut his eyes. He'd be damned if he'd let this jackass fetishise his eyes.

But he was already damned. Not because the man was so enthralled with his standard, unremarkable brown eyes he got from his dad, but because his neck had stopped bleeding. He felt the bite mark close, and he knew what that meant. Not by previous experience, but by all the horror stories his mom and her work friends had warned him about.

They had no experience in it either, but they knew about it from what others have told them. They had worked with ex-humans, hunted ex-humans, killed ex-humans. And that was what Lucas was now, too. An ex-human. A tiny, weak, puny human bitten by a pureblood vampire.

Lucas was well and truly fucked.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He snarled and smacked the man's hand away. He knew he wouldn't like it, so he wasn't entirely surprised when the pureblood slapped him so hard across the face that he flew a few feet and landed hard on his back.

"My, my," the pureblood purred, "you are a feisty one. As to be expected from the son of a vampire hunter." Lucas groaned and turned his body away from him, curling into a ball on his side. He felt his hand on his head, his fingers running through his hair. "I can't wait to break you in. You'll be such a good boy for me, won't you, Alviso?"

Lucas stiffened at the arm that wound around his waist and the connecting hand settled onto his crotch. Repulsion reared inside of him but was quickly chased off by a hot wave of pleasure that crashed more into his mind than his body. He couldn't help the involuntary shudder that racked his body.

He heard and felt his zipper slowly being pulled down, and the pureblood's tongue flicked out and licked the shell of his ear. "Going to be such a good boy."


Lucas jerked awake at the call of his name.

"Alviso!" The teacher called him again, smacking his pointer stick against the blackboard. "Are you so well versed with monosaccharides that you can just sleep through my lesson?"

Lucas looked around at the students who had turned to look at him. Some gave him sympathetic looks—Yuki was one of them—and others snickered quietly in their seats. Zero, who he was sat by, gave him a side glance.

"Monosaccharides..." Lucas murmured, the word unfamiliar to him in Japanese.

"Carbohydrates," Zero whispered next to him, scribbling down notes and refusing to look at him.

Lucas opened his mouth to say what he knew about carbohydrates, but he then shut it quickly. The teacher looked up at him expectantly and Lucas realised he was waiting for an apology rather than his knowledge. He did know some things about carbohydrates, but it wasn't his place here to say them.

Instead, he bowed his head and said, "Sorry, sir. I won't fall asleep again."

Lucas sat forward in his seat and picked up his pencil to resume taking notes. He didn't know when he'd fallen, and he hadn't even been aware of it. He wasn't yet used to a day schedule again, as he had spent the vast majority of the last year sleeping during the day and moving in the night. It was easier to avoid people that way, and he could move faster and more free in the night than in the day.

Fewer people saw him at night than in the day, and so the information of his whereabouts wasn't as easy for his mother to pinpoint. He had been falling asleep around dawn the last couple of days and then sleeping for a few hours before getting up using the alarm clock on the phone Cross had given him.

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