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Pepper and Tony walked into the buffet decked in summer attire. Pepper's skin was glowing with her beautiful freckles all show and Tony was somehow already perfectly tanned. They hugged everyone that was sitting at the large table, Tony waving over one of the waiters and asking for mimosas to celebrate.

"Where's uh... where's Barnes?" Tony asked as he took a seat next to Natasha.

Clint snorted as he took a bite out of the bacon in his hand. "Why don't you ask Ava?" 

Ava brought the cup of hot coffee up to her lips taking a large gulp and instantly regretting it. The liquid was scorching and had scalded her tongue. After letting out a small whimper she looked up to find everyone staring.


"Where's Barnes?" Clint wiggled his brows and Ava almost threw the mug of hot coffee at his head. He was such a little shit.

"Why would she know where he's at?" Tony inquired, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, you don't know yet!" Clint began. "Bucky and Ava are not only sharing a room but also a bed!"

Tony turned to look at Ava with amusement written all over his face. He then looked over at Peggy, wondering if she had set them up but she couldn't have. She was too caught up in her own love life to meddle in someone else's. Besides, it was her weekend to celebrate. The last thing she would want was any drama on her special day.

"I don't know." Ava picked up her fork and picked at the cold waffle on her plate. "He was asleep when I woke up."

Tony hummed, realizing that she was uncomfortable talking about the situation so he changed the subject to the soon-to-be husband and wife. Wanda looked over at Ava giving her a sympathetic smile while Natasha silently scolded Clint, who could honestly care less. Ava was just happy that the conversation had gone a different direction. She decided to listen to the conversations bouncing around instead, only speaking if they asked for her opinion.

Back in the room, Bucky was barely waking up. He loved sleeping in and being out of the busy city made that so much easier. He noticed the bed empty, hazy moments from the night before filling his mind.

He had woken up at around 12 AM to find the TV turned off and Ava sleeping beside him with a gap between them. Closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep, childhood dreams and fears filling his mind.

Although he was a heavy sleeper he did feel a sudden weight on his chest some time after waking up the first time. He opened his eyes, finding himself in the middle of the king-size bed with Ava laying on his chest softly snoring. He could feel her soft hand on his torso. Wiggling underneath her slightly to get more comfortable he decided to throw his arm that was under her body over her shoulders. He didn't mind being someone's human pillow. Quickly looking down at Ava he grinned before falling back to sleep.

Finally getting out of bed, he checked his phone and read the missed message from Steve letting him know that they were all eating breakfast downstairs. He checked the time stamp—9:15AM. That was only 20 minutes ago. Bucky jumped into the shower, quickly washing up and changing into his clothes. He raced downstairs and found the entire group eating and laughing.

"Finally!" Sam exclaimed, clapping loudly.

Bucky held up his middle finger before walking over to Peggy and kissing her cheek. He bumped his fist with Steve's before searching the table and spotting Ava. She was busy looking at something on her phone so he decided not to bother her. After greeting everyone he stalked off to stack food on his plate and grab a cup of black coffee.

"You can sit here," Pepper offered. "Wanda just left."

Bucky took the seat, Pepper to his right, Steve to his left and Ava right across from him. There was no way for her to ignore him now.

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