Season 1, Episode 1

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Shiro is kidnapped by aliens. So are two other guys, but we're not gonna learn their names because they're not important to the story. (yet)

Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are at space school. One night Pidge sneaks onto the roof, and Lance decides to follow him. Lance also assumed Pidge's gender. Pidge is obviously a boy. Oh, and Hunk is here too.

Pidge used the power of science to spy on aliens. Suddenly there's an explosion. Some emo kid with a mullet comes out of nowhere with a motorcycle. Lance recognizes him and runs off towards the exploding alien ship that happens to be carrying Shiro.

Lance screams at Keith for no reason, and somehow they end up rescuing Shiro and ride into the desert with a person they just met. Lance already knew him though.

The next morning, Shiro is awake. But he doesn't tell them what happened. Since they're the main characters, they don't get any information at all. Except that Keith found something in the desert.

They decide it's safe to go into the middle of nowhere to find a blue lion. They find a cave, and a huge robotic blue cat from space. Lance immediately goes inside because he's a main character and this is the first season. He'll be fine. (Didn't that one kid die in the first season of another show? And wasn't he the main character?) Shush. We're not talking about him. (Okay...)

Lance somehow knows how to fly it despite being a terrible pilot who can't fly a regular ship, and they go off into outer space. Then they blow up an alien ship because they're the main characters and they can do whatever they want.

Then Lance flies them into a wormhole. They find a planet and a huge castle, which the blue lion gets them into. Thanks, blue lion.

Inside they find two Alteans, Allura and Coran. Allura is the princess. Coran is just there for some reason. Oh, and Allura has a telepathic connection to four mice because they were stuck in time and... I actually don't know how that makes any sense, but we're just going to accept that.

Everybody finds out that there are other lions, and that each of them meeds a pilot so they can save the universe from Zarkon and the Galra empire. Everybody completely believes the alien lady and they set off to find the Lions that were assigned to them based on the color of their clothes.

Pidge finds the green lion. She also makes friends with a sloth, and Shiro. Meanwhile, Lance and Hunk almost die trying to get the yellow lion. Keith almost dies too, but he still gets the red lion. If they weren't the main characters, they would be dead. Except Pidge and Shiro. They're fine.

Then Sendak appears and ruins everything. But it's okay, because the lions join together with an over the top transformation sequence! Voltron is a magical girl anime and you can't change my mind.

They blow up Sendak's ship even though they never got any proper training on how to pilot the lions.

Now the paladins of voltron have to defend the galaxy because they were the first five people that Allura saw. But it's okay, because they're the main characters and they can do anything they put their mind to!

Except kill Zarkon. They needed somebody else's help with that. Then they killed him. Great job, guys.

so this is basically voltronTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang