Season 1, Episode 5

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Hunk and Coran meet two Balmerans named Shay and Rax. Shay is actually helpful, but Rax wants them to leave. But his opinion doesn't matter.

Shay helps them get the crystal they needed, but then the Galra capture her because her brother told them about how she was helping Hunk and Coran. Good job, Rax. You're so helpful.

Hunk promises to come back for her. I can't tell if I should be shipping them or if Hunk is just that nice to everybody.

Meanwhile, Pidge is being a hacker. She flashbacks to when she found out her father and brother went missing. She tries to find information at the Galaxy Garrison and gets expelled. She cuts off her hair and tells everybody she's a boy so she can go back to the Garrison.

Pidge is Mulan. Confirmed.

The mice get Keith and Allura back into the Castle and they help Pidge capture Sendak. Rover dies in the process. I never thought I could get so attached to a triangle-shaped Galra drone who hardly had any appearances in tbe series so far. Well played, DreamWorks.

Keith and Lance have a bonding moment. Enjoy it while it lasts, people. Lance is going into tsundere mode and will deny it ever happened.

Pidge is staying after all, which is good because she was my favorite character since episode one and I'm not losing her that easily.

(I want to write another story but I'm unoriginal and I can't think of anything sooooo... oh yeah and I can also write stuff for my hero academia.)

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