Season 1, Episode 4

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Before the paladins leave Arus, they decide to throw a party. Arus is officially the first planet to join the Voltron Alliance. Great job with the name, Allura, it's very creative.

Lance tries to be nice to Keith for once, but Keith's social awkwardness doesn't allow it. It's okay, Keith. You tried.

Shiro is worried that somebody will try to break into the Castle of Lions. This is foreshadowing that somebody will try to break into the Castle of Lions.

And it'll probably be Sendak, who has been watching them this whole time. Also I forgot to mention that Pidge has a Galra drone that SHE repurposed to be on their side. His name is Rover. He'll be important later. Sendak is jealous and creates his own Rover to spy on the paladins.

Meanwhile, Allura is talking to the mice. They tell her that she assumed Pidge's gender and that Pidge is actually a girl. Apparently Alteans don't understand boundaries, because she immediately goes over to interrogate Pidge.

Pidge won't admit to it, though. She just starts talking about peanuts. And I agree with her because for some reason I like peanut butter and peanut butter cookies, but not peanuts. I don't know why. Me and Pidge have a lot in common. Just look at my username.

Somehow, the 10,000 year old Altean princess knows what a peanut is.

Oh, and Pidge is leaving. Why does it always have to be my favorite character that leaves or dies or whatever? But I guess she wants to find her family, so... Great. We lost her in the first season. So much for main character powers.

When she tells the rest of the team, Keith gets mad and calls her selfish, even though he does the exact same thing later in the series.

Sendak's Rover clone sneaks into the Castle and almost kills Lance. Sendak, did you really have to attack at the worst moment? Seriously, we were already in a bad mood now that Pidge is leaving, this is just cruel.

The Power Crystal for the Castle of Lions is destroyed, and Lance is unconscious. That's just great. Hunk and Coran go off into space to find a new Crystal, while Keith and Allura go to the Arusian village. Ironically, Pidge stays at the Castle even though she was just about to leave.

Shiro tries to save Lance, but Sendak knocks him out and captures both of them. So now Pidge has to defeat Sendak on her own. At least Rover is still with her. And yes, that was foreshadowing.

Keith and Allura manage to get stuck outside of the Castle, and Sendak is about to take off with all of the Voltron lions. So that's just wonderful.

Hunk and Coran find a Balmera, which is kind of like a planet, but it's alive and crystals grow on its surface. The Galra ruined the environment and harvested all of the crystals for themselves, though. Hunk and Coran get stuck on the Balmera.

Sendak almost takes off with the lions, but Pidge stops them from launching. Nobody gives her any recognition, but that's not surprising. Pidge deserved better. So did Lotor.

Oh, sorry. Wrong season.

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