why I am doing this

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Trust me, I've asked myself this question many times ever since August of 2019. Now, I think I have an answer. Simply put, I am doing this because I want to help foster growth and creativity among writers. We all want to get better-trust me, I do too! However, I've seen in other book clubs that people simply read books and leave it at that. Granted, there are some truly amazing clubs out there. It's just I've heard some fairly negative things about book clubs from the friends I have on this platform.

So, in short, this book club is meant to encourage people to love reading. I don't want people to read a book, fill out a form, and call it a day. Instead, I want to help them find books they'll love. Maybe my goal is idealistic, but I'll still try my luck.

To those of you who decided to take part in this crazy idea of mine, I thank you.

Yours truly,

The Book Cult: A Book Club For Forgetful WritersWhere stories live. Discover now