(2) daddy's boy

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It had been a few hours since I had picked Jackson up from Steve's , and he was still as quiet as when we left. I had tried starting conversation with him , asked him I'd maybe he want to go to the park or maybe to my parents house. He just simply shrugged saying he was tired , which I knew couldn't be true since when we we at breakfast Jackson was talking a mile a minute. I was currently on the phone with Robin , trying to explain the situation. "Well" she said "dingus seems fine to me , a little off but fine" , I then became somewhat alarmed "off". She sighed saying "off , yeah but he always is after a weekend with Jackson , tired I guess" I nodded in relief as she added "listen Y/n , I get off in twenty minutes , do you wanna pick me up and get lunch" I again nodded saying "yeah that sounds good , I'll see you then". Before I hung up that phone I heard "bye Y/n" I quickly said my goodbyes with Robin. I walked back into the livingroom where Jackson was playing , I took the seat next to him on the carpet saying "hey sweet pea , what do you say we go pick up aunt Robin and go get some ice cream at Benny's". He quickly nodded saying "can daddy come too" I sighed saying "no , baby daddy's going to be working , it'll be just aunt Robin and us". He frowned with the look of disappointment covering his face saying "okay I guess" , as I went to grab us both a pair a shoes I quickly noticed that Jackson had begun tying his shoes which is something I didn't know he could do. "When did you learn that" I asked to which he replied in the most cocky and confident voice "daddy taught me , like a while ago". I didn't know weather to tear up at how grown up he was or how much he reminded me of Steve , he then added "do you need me to tie yours". I shook my head saying "no thank you" , as he finished tying his shoes he stood up and began putting his jacket on , which surprised me even more. My only baby was finally growing up and I wasn't ready , it felt like just yesterday I was getting ready to bring him home from the hospital.

I was snapping the final button of Jackson's onesies when a nurse knocked lightly on the door before entering the cramped hospital room. As she entered the room she kindly introduced herself saying "hello I'm Doris" I slightly waved before I began wrapping Jackson in his blanket as she added. "I'm going to be taking him for his final test" , I nodded as she took Jackson out of my arms saying "oh he's adorable". I nodded again in agreement since the moment I had first laid eyes on him I thought he was the most sweetest and most perfect baby I had ever seen. As Doris began leaving she said "if you have any questions just-" before she could finish I asked "do you think I'll be able to take him home". She shrugged saying "well he's a preemie , but he's breathing on his own and eating well he might , just let whoever's picking you up know to bring a carseat" . I nodded saying "thank you" she waved saying "of course dear" before leaving the room with Jackson.

A few minutes of waiting for my precious baby boy to return , just as I was starting to fall asleep since I was up with Jackson in the night. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and a quiet whisper of "Y/n are you awake" I sighed knowing exactly who it was it was my boyfriend Steve , who looked like he was in a panicked mess. I respect saying "I was" he peeled his jacket off saying "sorry , I lost track of the time" , he then place a quick kiss on my cheek , I noticed that after Steve and I had gotten back together shortly after I found out I was pregnant. I quickly realized when we got back together that his once passionate and romantic kisses became quick and were always on my cheek or forehead and were being cut short and would be interrupted by something else.
I nodded as he asked "where's Jackson" I began trying to sit up causing him to say "easy , you just had a baby". I rolled my eyes as if I didn't already know that saying "he's getting his test" he nodded saying "are we gonna take him home today" , I sighed saying "I don't know he's early so he might have to stay" he nodded before asking "how was he" before I could answer Doris came back with Jackson as she came over an placed him in my arms she she walked over she said while gesturing towards Steve"this must be dad" , he nodded as she handed Jackson to me as he introduced himself "Steve , Steve Harrington , Y/n's friend" he then caught himself saying "I mean Y/n's boyfriend , I'm his dad and Y/n's boyfriend" Doris nodded saying "did you bring a carseat" he nodded saying "yeah it's in my car why" she then handed Steve some papers saying "there being discharged today , I'd bring that up since he's small we recommend putting him in the carseat and then the car". She then added "just come find me when the paper works sighed and your ready to go" Steve and I both nodded as she exited the room. I looked over to see Steve reading over the papers the nurse had handed him as I said "here , I'll sign those if you could hold him" he sighed placing the papers next to me as I handed Jackson over to Steve saying "be careful with his head" he huffed saying "I know Y/n". That was the other thing I noticed is that to Steve I became Y/n not babe , baby , honey or even sweetie. Just Y/n , and not that I had a problem with my name but hearing him say it broke my heart even more than it already was , I knew why Steve was there and as I looked over there in his arms was the reason. I had always loved Steve , I had fallen in love with him the first time I had meet him , and loved him even more as the days , minutes and seconds of our relationship passed. I gave everything to our relationship , most importantly I gave Steve everything , we shared everything together. Our first relationship , first kiss , even our first time together at his family lake house after we had too much to drink. Our relationship had come to a fall when the seemingly perfect Steve had turned into the cruel and vain king Steve that everyone adored and I truly couldn't stand. After signing the paper work Steve leaned over me saying "are you ready to go" I shrugged saying "yeah I geuss" he handed Jackson to me saying "I'll get the carseat" I again nodded before seeing that Jackson had opened his eyes which was a rare occurrence for him being a newborn and all , "Steve" I said trying to catch him before he left the room. He turned as I said "he's opening his eyes" Steve nodded before trying to leave again as I added "he has your eyes" he huffed saying "yeah , can I go" I sighed saying "Steve , what's the rush , just take a minute to look at your son" he sighed saying "whatever Y/n , he's going to do that a million more times" the other thing I noticed that Steve and I were arguing a lot more, sure we argued before but not over every little thing. I hope that one day we'd be able to be more civil, if not for my sake but for Jackson's. Maybe not now, but someday.

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