(18) worlds worst dinner party

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It was a cold and icy Christmas eve in Indianapolis one of the coldest winters the city had ever seen , the streets were beautifully decorated and the children all asleep as the awaited the highly anticipated jolly old St. Nick. Except one , in the Martin home there were two daughters Beatrice the oldest who had a long day including a nutcracker performance and making cookies with her mother and younger sister Alison. Alison was the youngest daughter unlike her sister Beatrice she the more creative and artistic one who preferred to be inside and color which was something she was very goo at especially for being five. Alison quietly creeped down the stairs before peeking into the formal living room where the beautiful decorated Christmas tree was. Since Mrs. Martin takes pride in how her home looks , seeing that there were no gifts and the stockings were still empty Alison tiptoed into the kitchen for a small glass of water only to find her mother sitting at the kitchen island. The same kitchen island they would eat blueberry pancakes and decorate ginger bread , but her mother didn't look like the same woman who was cheering and applauding her first born at the ballet earlier or the one that would read the night before Christmas by the fire place as her daughters fell asleep on the father's lap. Instead she had mascara running down her cheeks and a glass of wine in her hand and wasn't even acknowledging the dog that the girls had woken up to last Christmas with a bright red bow on him. What made it worst was she was practically devouring Santa's cookies , Alison frowned before saying "mommy". Kathrine didn't even turn around she just stayed quiet in the dark kitchen before saying "what Alison" Alison spoke again saying "where's daddy" her mother responded "he left to get food for the dog, but that was hours ago". Alison frowned saying "oh well is he gonna be home before Santa comes" Katharine placed her wineglass on the counter before laughing , laughing so hard almost falling out of her seat. The kinda laughter you would only hear from her when her daughters came inside covered in mud including the dog or when one of the girls pick socks got in the washer while washing her husband's dress shirts. She then turned in his seat before walking towards the stairs saying "oh Alison don't you know there is no Santa , it was your father and judging by the fact he's not here there will be no Christmas". Alison frowned before watching her mother walk up the stairs leading to the master suite leaving Alison all alone on the last Christmas eve they'd spend as a family...

Steve's P.o.v
"Alison" she looked up at me saying "what" I responded saying "I'm going to dinner with my parents tonight do you wanna go". She shook her head before I added "are you sure" she nodded before pecking my cheek saying "have fun though" I nodded before shrugging off her quietness. Alison was never quiet was something bothering her , should I stay but my father pulled me aside at work today telling me that my mother wanted me over for dinner and Alison was welcome to come but it wasn't as required as my presence. An Alison was excited about dinner until a few minutes ago , I realized after meeting her parents that Alison wasn't very fond of family gatherings especially holidays. As I made my way to my parents house I couldn't help but think what was so pressing , and the thoughts of Stewart and Y/n showing up yesterday were still fresh in my head especially the fact that I had packed Jackson's bag and made sure the blanket was in there. I pulled into my parents driveway to see both my parents cars and now I knew why my mother wanted me over for dinner, my sister was here. I kicked around some of the gravel trying to relief the stress of having to see my sister, but I knew she didn't know about Alison and that my parents were probably giving a nasty review on her and I knew she'd take Y/n's side over mine just cause. I knocked on the door before opening it to see the front door was unlocked , I removed my sport coat I wore to work before walking thru the dinner room to see my parents and my Sister. My mother quickly walked over to me engulfing me in a hug before my sister walked ove brushed my hair causing to roll my eyes and my mother to say "be nice you too". It had probably been two years since I last saw my sister and I could already feel suffocated by the awkwardness before she spoke saying "so baby brother" I rolled my eyes at the awful nickname she'd been calling me since we were kids almost worst then the nicknames Alison had for me , I mean I loved those. My sister continued saying "what's it like working for the old man" I shrugged saying "okay I guess" she then added. "How've you been" I nodded before returning the favor with the awful nickname saying "fine how about you Polly pop" she rolled her eyes saying "yep your still and ass". My mother spoke before saying "Polly , Steven that's enough , I swear you kids haven't aged past five" my sister and I rolled our eyes before sitting down for dinner.

It was after dinner when we eating my mother's peach cobbler when dad asked "how's Y/n doing these days" I rolled my eyes saying "fine". Polly spoke up saying "hey sorry about missing his birthday work was crazy but I sent something to Y/n" I rolled my eyes as my mother asked "how's work Polly" she nodded saying "fine , hey listen do you know where nana's ring is I know a place in Indianapolis and I thought I'd get it cleaned". Mom shrugged before dad spoke up saying "it's in the cabinet in my office" I sighed saying "actually I had it". Dad huffed saying "had it , you idiot you lost it" I shook my head saying "no I know were it is I just don't have it". Dad huffed saying "I swear if it's on Alison's left hand you'll be-" I cut him off saying "no dad I gave it to Y/n , she has it". Mom gasped saying "you were engaged" before I could respond Polly spoke saying "who the hell is Alison" mom responded saying "don't let me get started on her". I sighed saying "Alison is my girlfriend and yes Y/n and I were kinda engaged it's a long story and she's keeping it for Jackson". Polly chuckled saying "good thing cause he'll probably get married before you" I rolled my eyes as my dad said "what do you mean kinda engaged" I shook my head saying "it's a long story I'm not getting into it". The table remained quiet before mom spoke saying "Steven I was talking to the girls at lunch and I just can't seem to remember what it is Y/n does for a living". I signed saying "well one you could probably talk to them about my actually girlfriend and Y/n works for Matt's dad and that's all I know cause I really don't care". My mother sighed before dad asked "how's that Paterson kid" I responded with "fine him and Coleen are having a baby I guess". My mother responded saying "I thought Y/n was with Matthew" I shook my head saying "no mother Y/n is with Stewart". Polly laughed before saying "Stewart Graham , oh that has to suck for you" mom huffed saying "language Polly" polly continued her laughing fit before my father spoke saying "well what did I tell you-" my mother cut him off saying "were not talking about this at the table", my father shook his head saying "no Jenifer I'm not going to baby him like you do , he's a grown man so here it goes. Your mother and I don't like Alison " I sighed as he added "she's no good something is off there and from what I overheard at the birthday party , what she said to the woman who stuck around when you were being a little asshole the same girl who gave you that little boy. Now from what your mother tells me it's not an easy task but she did it and this is how you repay her by bringing someone like that around". I huffed saying "you know you Y/n and everyone else needs to get over it cause I like Alison a lot and you all can just deal with it". Dad shook his head saying "maybe you should start wearing your glasses again son cause you are so blind I'm telling you she's not who she says she is" I rolled my eyes again saying "dad could you just try to be happy for me and for Jackson" he responded saying "not when your being stupid and don't think throwing his name around makes you look innocent". I huffed before finally losing my patience with my family , I got up from the table before walking towards the front door as my mother asked "where are you going" I huffed saying "getting away from you monsters" mom responded saying "we are your family". I shook my head saying "no your not , my family is Alison and Jackson I'm done with you people" I slammed the door before getting to my car,

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