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   I watched labyrinth recently and I decided to make an au.

 Alfred's eyes flickered through the air, watching the trees swirl and dance around him. His mind fluttered through thought after thought trying to grasp onto any form of coherence. Yet just as soon as the words reached him they were whisked away by the branches as they waved their long, spindly arms through the cold air. His eyes fluttered open once again to those limbs and a few shimmering transparent orbs. The word bubbles briefly flickered through his mind and he wondered if they had always been there. He wanted to reach towards them but was hardly able to move his limbs as they lay heavy beside him.

      As the bubbles grew closer their colors began to swim across his vision.
     Slowly the colors separated, revealing an equally dizzying sight as the one before. Around him were people draped in intricate fabrics and masks that swirled in a symphony of as they moved. The faces seemed to leer at him as they brushed past him. Even as they disappeared he still felt their judging gazes and snide whispers surrounding him, mocking him.
      He glanced through the crowd for answers. Trying to find something besides the mocking smiles and blinding gold and silver decorations that littered the place. Trying to find something although he did not know what.

     As he gazed he caught a flash of piercing green. Upon further observation he was able to follow the green to dark defined eyebrows and a pale face. A face that screamed power and thinly vailed desire. Despite his mind screaming at him to back away from this imposing figure he found himself weaving towards them, their eyes never seeming to leave each other.

     Before he could reach the man a crowd swayed past blocking him from view. By the time they had moved on the man had disappeared from where he once stood.

      Alfred turned his head weaving through the crowd once more. His eyes pried for that gaze. That alluring, terrifying gaze. Although he had spotted it a few more times it always disappeared before he could reach it. Whether the man was dancing from afar with some masked lady or watching intently from a group of equally masked figures he always seemed just out of reach. It did not help Alfred's nerves that the whispers that started when he arrived had yet to cease. Those around him still whispered inaudibly with wicked lipsticked smiles and dark piercing gazes.

     As he turned from a group of snickering ladies he was met with those green, green, green eyes once again. This time they stood a meer inches away, the fire in them ever more intense from this distance. The hand they were attached to hovered near his waist inviting him to dance.
Alfred numbly lifted his own gloved hand up to the stranger's shoulder in acceptance.
      His eyes flickered briefly to his own hand before flickering around the room. He barely registered his feet following the others lead as the green eyed man guided him through the room. As he studied the people watching the two of them he felt his head begin to spin faster than they were moving. The people’s stares that were once only mocking became dangerous and his breath quickened as a feeling of utter wrongness washed over him. He turned his gaze back to the green eyed man hoping for any sense of certainty in his eyes. Instead breathing became even harder as the distant flapping of wings echoed in his ears.
      He gently pushed himself away from the man searching the walls for something, anything. As he walked forward he noticed his reflection curved along some odd surface. He saw his own panicked eyes staring back at him and the embroidered white and silver waistcoat wrapped snugly around him. An unfamiliar white and silver waistcoat.

    He glanced to the side looking for anyway out of this nightmare when he saw a chair tucked neatly beside one of the many tables. His mind screamed at him to grab it, and he did. He took ahold of the back and swung it sharply against the reflective surface. As the chair made contact with it a loud crash echoed around him. He held his arms up to his face as shards flew around him and he began to fall. He peeked through his arms into the inky blackness surrounding him before that was all he knew.

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