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Bakugou's POV

I was just walking around the mall with Dabi when suddenly I felt a pain in my side. I looked to see that fake hero Quirky. "Clearly I didn't finish the job." He said and made an explosion. It didn't hit me but the blast made me go flying into the wall and passing out.  

I woke up in the hospital. My scar started burning. I screamed in pain. My scar was burning again. I jumped up and out of the bed. I ran to the door and opened it. There was a boy standing there. He had white and red hair. He looked very familiar. I pushed pass him and started running. "Bakugou." He yelled.

How does he know my name. I continued running. Soon two guys started chasing me. "Bakugou. You need to calm down." One said. "Why does everyone know my name." I yelled. I opened a door and started running down the stairs. I opened a door and someone grabbed me. I looked to see the boy from before. 

He pinned me against the wall. "H-hey." I yelled. I looked at him. He started leaning closer to me. "Hey. Your hurting me." I yelled. He let go of me and put his hand on my side. It stung, but it cooled down. I looked to my side to see ice. "Is that better?" He asked. " Yeah." I lied and looked away from him. It wasn't the wound that was hurting me. I saw my scar. 

"Your really bad at lying." He said. "What?" I asked and looked at him. He picked me up bridal style. "H-hey. W-what are y-you doing?" I asked him. "Taking you back to your room." He said and carried me to the elevator. He put me down and the doors shut.

The scar started burning more. I put my hand on it trying to cool it down. "Are you alright?" The boy asked. I pulled my hand away. "Yeah." I lied. "Is it hurting you?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Your scar. Is it hurting you?" He repeated. "N-no. W-why would it." I said and forced a laugh. 

He walked over to me and put his hand on my scar. I hissed in pain and moved away from him. "Don't touch it." I hissed at him. He walked over to me and pinned me to the wall. He lifted his hand and started touching my scar. "Hey. Stop." I yelled. Suddenly I felt cold and the pain went away. 

I looked up at him. "What did you do?" I asked him. "When we were younger your scar would burn you. I always iced it for you." He said. I pushed him away. "Yeah right. I've never seen you in my life." I said. He looked disappointed and sad. The doors opened. I tried making a run for it but he grabbed me and picked me up. He took me into the room I woke up in. 

He laid me down on the bed. I tried getting up but he pushed me down. "You need rest." He said. I laid down and stared at him. The door opened. "Oh seams like you already caught him Todoroki." A guy said. "Wait Shoto Todoroki. As in Endeavor's son." I said. "Yes. This is Shoto Todoroki. Clearly you two know each other." He said. "Never meet him." I grumbled.

If there's anyone that more fake than Quirky is Endeavor. His son is probably a big rip off. "When do I get to go home?" I asked. "Once the police get your statement and your parents come get you." The guy said. He's probably a doctor. The guy turned towards Todoroki. "Visiting hours are almost over." He said. "Alright." Todoroki said and started walking towards the door. "Bye Bakugou." He said before leaving. 

"Alright Bakugou. What would you like for dinner?" He asked. "Nothing. I'm not hungry." I yelled and covered myself with the blanket. I heard the door open and shut. I looked to see the man was gone and the lights were off. I laid down and tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Shoto Todoroki.   

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