Chapter 5: The Upside Down

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"Hello? Is anybody there?" Lucas screamed in fear. "Help!" He remembered his walkie-talkie.
"This is Lucas? Does anybody copy? Over."
No response.
"Guys, this is a code red. I repeat. A CODE RED. I'm stuck in the Upside Down."

"So listen, the lab is dangerous. We could be arrested. No, not even that, KILLED." Dustin told John on the way to the lab.
There was static then a voice.
"Help.......Red........Stuck........ Upside Down........." Screamed the walkie-talkie.
Dustin and John stared at each other and said.

"Shut off the power. Something is wrong with the Upside Down. I think somebody's in there. Vax! We need you ready! Now!" Said the lab leader.
"I'm ready, sir!" Vax said.
"You're going in."

Lucas began to sprint. He saw the lab. Wasn't that where the first gate was?
"This is Lucas, does anybody copy? Anybody, please?"
"Yeah, I hear you Lucas. We're on our way to the lab"
Lucas knew that voice from somewhere. He just didn't know who it was. Josh, was it? Jake? No.. John? Yes, JOHN! I'll be there too. Over and out.

"Come on John, we are nearly there." Dustin shouted back to John.
"Why is there a creepy lab anyway?" John screamed back.
"Because we're in Hawkins and nothing good happens here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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