Inexorable Destiny

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There was a young man who will be the manager of Marang Hospital. Ray Masaru. Only one final test that separated between him and his career. But one night change his entire life.

   He was studying in my room late at night when suddenly boomed a muffled roar at top of the roof. At first, he think that sound was his little sister was crying for milk but the mysterious sound didn't whimper for milk.

   The sound was from the rooftop that maybe a creature accidentally stuck on the rooftop. It was the sound of the claws scraped on the roof and could be heard from afar. The strange whine that he had never heard it before made his hair stood up. He reluctantly took a dark brown leather coat and a full set of archery equipment that hung on the room's wall. He embraced himself and came out to investigate the incident.

   As Ray took every step toward the trapdoor to the rooftop, His mind kept thinking what the heck is that. It could be a peregrine. It could be a wolf. It could be a culprit that he had shot three weeks ago to take the revenge and it could be worst case scenario.

   He tiptoed his way to the rooftop, he make sure that every movement didn't make a single sound that could ever scare the creature away. The wooden  ladder that merged together on the wall was clean and the window was in its usual position. He relieved that the creature was not brilliant enough to open the window.

  For heaven's sake, He peered at sky to check whether something blocking the way. He opened the window carefully and poked his head though it. He looked at his bond, StarStorm was sleeping soundly in her nest and nothing less. The night just enlightened by the dancing star at sky.  The moon was nowhere in sight. He barely see anything in that night. He climbed down the ladder and went to fetch the flashlight at the kitchen. When he came back, there was a sound of the breaking ladder. He took his step back to the wall and peek at it, his heart skipped a beat.

   A racoon? Too small. A bear? There is no way a bear could enter through that tiny window and the creature was small like a grown cat. Then it should be a cat? But some weird two things protruding from its head. He stuttered back and forth and looked at it again and certain that it was bulking horn. After some thought, he was certain that it was a dragon. To his amazement, the creature have glittering scales, unlike other dragon which usually have darker scales.

   Unintentionally, his hand trembled and flashlight slipped through his and ran across the room. Then the light beam from the flashlight catch the glimpse of the creature. He froze. Nothing else. Petrified by that encounter.

   "What is that?" Murmured himself as he rummaged his brain to justify the dragon species. There nothing similar about the dragon features in his knowledge.

   He heard the stomp from that dragon and started to run away. He managed to maneuver himself to slipped behind the cupboard. His feet had stopped running but not his heart.

  The dragon followed through and scanned the surrounding to find the human that she met. Then, She took a deep breath and blew a powerful frost breath at one on the window.

   Ice. Not fire. Not in the million this could happen. Ray frozen in his place, amazed by the new thing that a dragon capable to do.

   "What is that noise?" Came a sound from above. Then a figure of another man came to the scene.

   "DAD! RUN!" Screamed Ray, exposed his spot. The dragon turn around and captured Ray with her talon and boom! Smash through the wall.

   "NO! RAY!" Cried Ray's dad. Ray struggled himself and started screaming. The last thing that his dad could heard what his son was cried is "StarStorm!!!"

   StarStorm who witnessed from afar struggled on her four and started to flapped her wings. She couldn't even moved and inches as the rope choked her neck, unable to do anything.

   Although he was stuttered by the incident, Mr Masaru was capable to made his step to the dragon shed and untied the rope that leashed StarStorm's neck.
He said to StarStorm even though his eyes start to swell. "Please, save my son. Take care of him for me. I can't do anything with JabberJay's injuries"

   "I will and I had to" stated StarStorm and she launched herself to the sky and followed the way that the mysterious dragon have headed, leaving mr. Masaru with hope that his son safety was on her shoulder.

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