Into the Night

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Gone to the heart of the town, Edith Heartstorm was to find what all people should been dreamt for. Find his own dragon to bond with.

   He read the news about the mysterious Dragon witnessed flying in the Baron Forest. The loggers who witnessed said that it have two protruding horn that swirl behind its head and its scale were bright coloured and its wings was darker inside than its outers.

   Usually, all dragons that were discovered have two horn that bend toward the sky. All dragons were dark coloured scale and only some of them have glittering scale.

   He didn't think much about it because he was interested in  searching for his newly bond dragon for himself. Every hatchery and nursery place in Wargovia have been visited but none other dragon had chosen him.

   His mother, Jane Silverbane was ashamed on behalf of his peculiarity as the one who didn't have their bond. His father, Roger Heartstorm was the only one who still have faith in him. He spoke the last word to his beloved son before departed to High Hall of War. "You are the special one. No other ordinary dragon could bound to you. Maybe one day you will find your reliable partner one day.

  Although it was just words but he seem to cling it as firm as possible. But the new encounter make him doubtful about his destiny.

  He just need to walk in about five step and his could have listened about the missing magus apprentice at Marang. Everyone knew about it and sent about whole entire sky tower squad for a search team.

   Edith was heading to the last nursery located the south of Wargovia continent. Unconditionally near  Baron Forest. When he was just a couple minute away, he could see the glimpse of the villagers swarmed around the nursery.

  He step up his footing and rushed to the scene. He sneaked through the commotion and literally stumbled after reached the hotspot. What he witnessed wasn't good enough to explain him

  "What's going on here?" He asked the man who literally was in his cleaning gear. Apparently he was the worker of the nursery.

   The worker turn around and locked his eyes on Edith "Oh! Young man, glad you're here!" The worker welcomed him. "Well... This is not a good thing to welcome you actually," then he broke to laugh.

   "Oh! It Mister Barter of the High, sorry for my rudeness," Edith proper himself

   "Aye, don't be so high manner ya. Just call me Bart don't you." Mr Barter said friendly.

   "As you can see there is someone who broke through the barn just to sickin' steal the dragon food hell ya. What in world," explained Barter, nodded to the barn door that burn to crisps. There was some ashes on the opening.

   Edith focus on the ashes pattern and the fire spread. He gave his thoughts. "Are the dragon you might think?"

  "Nah, the food was neatly been taken. There is no trace of barbaric style were seen so," Bart replied. "One dragon couldn't lift over 4 bag of food on it own. You must need those delicate hand so it must be done by human on dragon you know.

   They leave the barn and enter the main building. Bart had offered Edith to look for his own dragon but he need a rest for a day long journey.

   Sun had fallen a couple of hours ago and they just finished feeding the dragonets. After awhile Edith walked through the barn and looked at the Baron Forest.

  Even the darkness of night was surrounding the village. The full moon able to shine brightly in the sky. Edith's eyes were captured the glittering spot in the forest. By the time the figures was out of sight, his bag was on the ground, the two-edged sword by his side and his foot moved to the forest.

   The path was narrow and full of annoying thorn on the floor of the woods but it didn't make Edith's curiosity even lower. He tried to walk with his only torch but he kept it for unexpected situation. When the path broaden ahead. His eyes made the contact with pair of dragon eyes.

  He marched closer to the dragon. He couldn't get of his eyes from that dragon when he realised that dragon tail was whipped to him. He dodged, barely escaped from that. He unsheathed his sword and stand in defensive stand. The dragon made several steps behind and snarled at him.

  "Stop!!! Don't hurt her!!!" The Scream come for the sky. Edith looked to the sky and came landed between him and that dragon was a young man. "Put down your sword now, please!"

   Edith slowly put down his sword to the ground and raised his hand over his head. When he loosen the tense at his neck. Another dragon came from his left. The ordinary one.

   "So what I just said about the hunter Ray?" The ordinary dragon said to the man. Swiped the sword on the ground with her tail.
   "Wait. Ray? Ray Masaru? Is that you?" He tried to come closer to the man but canceled his intention when that dragon growled at him.

   The man raised his right hand. And turned to face him. "How did you know my name?" Ray asked Edith sternly.

   "Well... You are in the heat of news in all place," Edith replied.

   With his friendly tones he got their trust and tenses became loosen. When they sit down. Ray said to his dragon."help her, tell her to settle down. He is our guest, StarStorm," then StarStorm nodded and spoke to the dragon who Edith encountered.

  Both of human sat down at some log that circled the bushes of dead branches. Then, StarStorm blazed with her fire breath. They exchanged their stories and current information.

   According to Ray, The white dragon couldn't speak human Language. When StarStorm in about few beat away, she said stop in parcle tougue which is dragon own ancient languages.

  After some talk with Ray, Edith stood up and ready to depart back to nursery. He told StarStorm to fly low as she offered a ride. He embraced Ray and heard from him, "The Defence Team are on their way to clear this forest."

  After that, he flew back with StarStorm to the nursery. StarStorm dropped him at the edge of the forest and flew back to her bond. He ran to nursery and bumped into Bart who was completely worried.

  "Edith! Come here! We got to evacuate this place! Now!" Hurried Barter as Edith was in his sight

   "What's happening" asked Edith. He could see the other keepers were running back and forth into the nursery and out. He lifted up his face to Barter and he could see the fear covering his face.

   "It could not be someone else," Barter's voice was full of anxiety as he talked to Edith. "The Boundary Outlaw."

   "But Barter! The Outlaw wasn't existed!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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