Chapter 1:All different sides

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Snow Willow was sitting on a cream coloured sofa while watching Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban on the T.V. 

Snow was a quite short girl for her age of 17 at the height of 4,11.Her hair was as while as snow like her name and her eyes were a bright shade of hazel with a hint of brown,her face was dusted with freckles and her skin tone was quite pale, mostly because she spends most of her time in the house either,playing some video games, watching t.v., or just lazing around in her house, but mostly would just stay in her room on her phone.

While she was watching t.v. in the corner of her eye she would see a person who looked similar if not identical to her sitting on the couch next to her,once she saw the person she would fully look over at them and after they made eye contact Snow would scream before jumping off of the couch onto the floor (tbh it looked more like she had fallen off of the couch instead of jumping)

When Snow got at least a little bit out of her daze so she could stand up and would look towards the person who had scared her. Once she saw them she could tell they didn't intend to scare her because they were getting ready to get off of the couch to help her before she got up herself,even with that thought she still asked "who on earth are you and how did you get in without me knowing?!" the person would slowly get off of the couch before answering in a small but calm voice "hi,um well,first it's nice to meet you finally and to answer your first question is I am known as Katie and to answer your second question is,I am apart of you,that is why I look so much like you, but the specific part of you which is calmness, I am your calmness but i'm not the only one either but I will let you get your personality,so if you have any questions I will at least tell you to call the name or their persona/personality trait and they will come and answer the question themselves. You understand me so far?" Snow would just stair for a few minutes while she processes the information once she does she would slowly nod "OK,OK let me re-sight  that to make sure I processed everything" she would stop and would only start only after getting Katie to give her a signal to say that she was listening,that signal was her saying "ok then, anything to help you understand what I am saying" once she said that Snow would nod and then would start" ok so, you're my calmness and your name is Katie?" she would get a nod, confirming what she had said so she continued, "and that there are others like you, I'm guessing are in my head?"another nod and also her saying "yep, we basically live in your head us traits call it the mindscape but you can call it what you want to" this time it would be Snow's turn to nod before talking "ok, and also I am aloud to ask the traits questions and when I do I have to say either their name or trait to basically calling them to where I am? is that everything?" Katie would smile and nod "yep that's everything, so do you want to start to ask your questions if you have any?" Snow would nod "yeah I do have some questions. First uh how many of you are there?" Katie would smile before answering "hehe starting with one of a harder questions . Well let me split up the groups as best I can ok so the main traits are Logic, Morality, shyness, calmness who is me, and fear (fight,flight,freeze and overthinking) those are your five main traits.Then there are your not so good sides who are, hate, lying, jealousy, anger and all of those types of traits, so that makes more four so it makes nine and then there is sadness,anxiety,a shadow trait which is depression and that's about it, but I've probably missed someone out so in total we have maybe a little bit more than twelve traits all together"Snow would have her mouth open "wow,that's a lot of traits,um ok next question, what are your names? and if you have them what are your ages?"Katie would take a deep breath "hm ok, ok where do I...start...ok so Logic's name is Talia,Morality is Anna, I'm not saying shyness's name because I don't know if they want you to know their name same with fear,anxiety and depression. Hate's name is Red,Lying is Kyle, jealousy is Jamey/Jamie anger is Griffin and sadness is Blue, and with their ages I'll ask them to tell you, but I'll tell you that I am 16 years old only a year younger than you. Ok so who should we start with?" Snow would think for a few minutes before answering her question "Hmm maybe we can start with shyness? at least then I can try and get her used to talking to me?"Katie would think for a foe seconds "hmm hang on I'll pop into the mindscape so she doesn't need to sink in and then ask them  if they wanna come talk to you and answer your question,Oh and just to say they are non-binary and use they/them pronouns" Katie would smile and Snow would nod and smile back while watching Katie sink through the floor to however she gets to the mindscape.

After a few minutes Katie would return with a younger and smaller looking version of Snow,the younger trait has white hair which is cut in a boyish type style and they were hiding behind Katie probably really shy to meet her considering their trait "got they, sorry it took so long to get back I had a hard time trying to convince this one to come talk to you but to fully convince them I had to promise I would hold their hand the whole time until they are used to you.Anyway this is shyness"Katie would slowly move out of the way of the younger trait so Snow could see them but would still hold their hand as promised.

Once Snow saw them she would put on a kind and gentle smile before talking in a slightly soft voice "get there shyness it's nice to finally meet you,you ok?" Snow would continue to smile gently when she saw shyness shyly smile and nod"y-yeah...I'm fine.." "hehe that's good to hear,hey shyness can u answer this question for me? and don't worry you're not the only one i'm asking this question too" Shyness would nod "S-sure what is he question?" Snow would smile "can you tell me how old you are?" shyness would look down for a few seconds and Snow would think that maybe that they weren't ready to tell her so she would quickly add "but if you don't want to then that is fine too!" Once Snow said that shyness would look up at Snow before answering "n-no, no it's fine I don't m-mind I was just thinking about answering,sorry for getting you worried,I-I'll have to say sorry to M-" Katie would but in "she doesn't know fear's,Anxiety's,depression's or your name just to make sure you know so you don't accidentally tell her their names without them saying it's ok for her to know" shyness would nod in understanding before talking "o-oh ok, sorry I should of know that you wouldn't of told her since you do the same thing with all of us/the new traits,if we want to know anything about each other then we have to wait for that person to tell us."shyness would then look back at Snow "t-to answer your question i'm 9 years old,I am one of your youngest traits,but my mind has grown with you,well most of my mind has anyway" Snow would smile "hehe well I'm happy you feel comfortable while talking to me" Katie would step forward "C'mon shyness let's get you back to the mindscape so Snow can meet the others without this meeting getting too long." shyness would nod and would look behind their shoulder before sinking out back to the mindscape "bye Snow see you when I see you. Oh and just to say...m-my name is Sky" Snow would be shocked that shy-sky told her their name but would smile a few seconds later "hehe well it's nice to see you Sky and yeah I'll see you when I see you" Sky would nod and then sink out with Katie leaving Snow alone for a few minutes.

A/N I hope you liked chapter one of this story. There is a difference with this story than my other one, that change is that this one I write on paper first and then type it up so at least then I can plan on what to type instead of coming up with it on the spot. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll see you when I see you. BYE!

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